Thursday, August 21, 2014

Started the KING

Carol and I have just started The King, long awaited and so far does not disappoint!! I have found this images pertaining to it online. Check them out. I see Trez as Terrance Howard, Beth always as Meghan Fox and Layla def could be the blond below. How are they in your mind???

Friday, March 7, 2014

Finished Time Untime

I really liked Ren, aka Renagde, aka some other strange tribal name I can not pronounce and won't even try to spell cause I know I will mess it up royally. I really got into the beginning of this book. I love anything having to do with Native Americans including anything related to Mayan and/or Aztec, so I enjoyed the history lesson, shall we say...I also liked Kateri, Ren's love interest and her part in the story. It was another really creative story that only this author can twist and put together so perfectly. I also liked seeing Nick in action in his new role as the Dark Hunter leader which was a surprise to me since I skipped a couple of books. I really liked Ren, the strong, silent type, loved the studder thought it was sexy as hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Of course, I always get a little caught up in the middle of these books just before the author ties it all together but I forged through to a happy ending.
On to Styxx!

Fang Rating VVVV

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Finished Ash

Wow, Achreon! Finally! I finished Ash's story, entitled Achreon - how do you really say that anyway? Well, I think this was like the 12th book or so and mostly in a row so I had to take a little break after this one. The writer is starting to get on my nerves with all of her weird names that all sound the same but different, still the steaming scenes and her creativity keep me coming back. Besides, I invested so much not to hear Ash's story, which by the way, I was a little disappointed with the description of his gal, Tory. I liked who she was and what she did but really could of used more physical description. One positive note about this series is that the author always does make the perfect soul mate for her dark hunters, the fact that Tory was Greek and Ash's history and who he was, was basically what she dedicated her life to studying and teaching really made them a great pair. So what I am trying to say is that the couples always end up being perfect for each other. Ash's story was very grim, the whole first half of the book was dedicated to his sad abused childhood and most importantly how he met Artemis and became a God in his own right. The second half took off with the love story. This is probably one of my favorite books of this series maybe just because I felt so close to Ash but I also really enjoyed getting the back story on him in which a LOT of other pieces to the Dark Hunter series came together as well.

Fang Rating VVVV

- Mon

Dani is 19 yrs in BURNED!

To find out more click on link below. Think this book will def be worth the wait!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Finished the 4th Angels, Possession!

I just got finished reading Possession which was a really nice break from the Greek mythology I have been trying to stay awake for! lol! I love you Dark Hunters but the shift in gears has been nice especially since J.R. Ward did not disappoint this time and Carol pointed out! We were not too happy with the way the last book ended, even throughout the whole book, I remember it dragging, etc but this book really got things going in the right direction! Sissy got out and is distracting Jim big time! I don't think J.R.Ward will finish this series out without Jim hooking up/falling desperately in love as only Ms. Ward can tell it, with someone and my bet is on Sissy!! In this book, they are living in the scary old masion which towards the end was almost getting reversed in time, getting more and more nice looking, Adrian is still morning Eddie whose body is still in the basement (weird) and who he apparently really loved. Nigel killed himself and so there are only two guards guarding Heaven which is also weakening...I loved Cait and Duke's love story, lots of steam sessions with a great ending but I feel like the book was cut of. I was expecting the next chapter to wrap up or at least give us a glimpse into where Jim was at but nadda. So the ending felt very cut short, I know she was trying to give us a cliff hanger but thought it could have been done better....oh well, guess we have to wait a year! This was a great book that definetly got us all back in the angels game!

Fang Rating VVVV
 - Mon

Friday, February 21, 2014

Finished Possession The Fallen Angel Series!!!!!!!!

Possessions was a very good book, I zipped right thru it.  I was glad to be reading a book by one of my favorite authors JR Ward.  She does not disappoint, to be honest I was a little apprehensive about reading it because I did not like the fact that Adrian had all of Mathias handicaps as a result of the last book.  But Jim finally gets Sissy from Devina and he does so by trading the win.  That was actually the cliffhanger from the last book.  It picks up right were the last one left off.  I love the characters of Duke and Cailyn.  The scenes are steamy in that great JR Ward way.  She keeps you on your toes the whole time because   you still don't know where the book is headed as you read.  The story is interesting and captivating keeps you there but you don't see what it has to do with the soul or who the soul is.  Niel commits suicide which is a curb ball because he was the Archangel in charge so we shall see were this ends up.   And Jim had a face to face with the "Maker"  that seemed to freak him out.  Adrian is still holding on to Eddies body which also seems weird to me.   Time is explained a little more it has only been 3 weeks since the War started and I thought  it had been more like years.  Look forward to the next book.  Til then keep on reading.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Burned Release Date pushed back :(

Karen Marie Moning, fav author of the Fever Series has delayed the release date to Dani's #2 book, BURNED until January 2015!!! Sucks but apparently the book is really picking up steam. Below find article and its link which also shows what KMM says Roydan looks like!

Release Date, Book Launch Party & Ryodan’s Face

There’ve been rumblings lately—I’m beginning to think you guys are psychic, or perhaps like Dani, you’re sleuthing for clues such as my not announcing the date/place for the launch party—about whether BURNED is really coming out July 22nd, 2014.

I’ve got good news and bad news.

The good news: I’m having a blast writing BURNED, similar to how I felt when I was writing SHADOWFEVER, in a semi-fugue state. The characters are alive and on fire, the story is coming out exactly as I’d planned, and with even more intensity than I’d expected. There’s no doubt in my mind you’re going to love it.

The bad news: BURNED’s release date has been pushed back one final time. The new date is January 2015. The precise day is still being decided (right now it’s the 20th but that may change by a week either way) and as soon as we can, we’ll announce the dates and location for the big bash.

More good news: if BURNED had been released July 22, I was not going to be able to do a book launch party. Now I am.

As I’m sure you’ve realized by my not announcing the book launch date, I was concerned it might get moved again. And I’m sure you want to know why.

I took time off.

Why? I needed it. I won’t go into details of my personal life but I will say while I could have kept pushing, short-term gratification doesn’t yield the kind of long term goals I‘m after and sometimes pushing costs more than it yields, so I did what I needed to do: walked away, rested and got recharged.

It wasn’t an easy decision to make. I love to write. I miss the interaction with you guys when I don’t. I get paid when I write. But I will always put the quality of my writing, and of my life over my bank account. I won’t put out a book that doesn’t meet my standards

I’m back and beyond excited to take you deeper into the Fever world in all the ways you want. BURNED is sexier, has more points of view, including one of the Nine (and not just a few snippets) and is all around hotter in every way, as you’d expect from the title.

A final bit of good news: I’ve never given you a good verbal ‘look’ at Ryodan. Many of you have written to tell me that Stuart Reardon (beautiful man and terrific athlete!) is your vision of Ryodan and I’ve promoted him for you, although I’ve always considered him one of my other immortal badasses.

But I’ve never shared my personal vision of the mysterious, sexy owner of Chester's nightclub (where the privileged few get to visit level 4!) because I didn’t feel I could adequately convey what I see when I close my eyes and begin to structure one of his scenes.

Then I stumbled across Anthony James Hill and was stunned to find the match to the face I’ve been seeing in my head for years. Those eyes, that mouth…

This is my Ryodan, photographed by the fabulous Michael Stokes Photography and Gilles Crofta.

Drop by Anthony James Hill's page and welcome him to the Fever World!

As for BURNED, I’m truly sorry I couldn’t bring it to you faster. If I could have, I would. I can only tell you I think you’re going to find it absolutely worth the wait.

Stay to the lights,

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Have You Seen Dracula the Series.......

Well fellow fangers if you have not had the distinct pleasure of feasting your eyes on some serious eye candy then I suggest you get to it.  I have not been this excited about an impending TV show since the development of BIG E.  This is a new show I caught by accident and I simply love it.  It mixes mystery with love with lust with danger with drama with fangs and voila it marvelous.
I love Jonathan Reys Myers in this role as Vlad the impaler.  If you love the fang as much as I do then you will surely love this.
