Thursday, April 4, 2013

Blood Fever: Book 2

In Fae fever Mac is becoming more sure of herself.  She feels attracted to Barron's but doesn't really know what to do with those feelings.  Fiona Barron's assistant tries to kill Mac by turning all the lights off and leaving the windows open so that the shades can get Mac.  Vlane comes to save the day but requires she give an hour any hour of his choosing.  Mac know has a sword that kills Fae's one that she a Barron's stole together.  She calls hers self OOP Detective.  Barron's fires Fiona and is hot when he finds out Vlane had saved her life.  While on a hunt for a amulet Vlane appears a demands she go with him, that would her his hour of choosing.  She goes and leave Barron's alone.  When she returns she realises that she had been gone one month.  Barron's is more than pissed off and tries to tattoo her so that in the future he can find her.  She threatens to leave if he does so he offers her a cuff instead.  By the end of the book still she has no information neither would talk about the other.  Malluce who is a Vampire she though she had killed abducts her and nearly kills her by the time Barron's gets to her.  She eats seelie flesh to regain strength and rapid healing and that is how she survives.  For a moment Mac and Barron's have a steamy hot moment where she sees his Tattoo's on his lower abdomen, and thy kiss.  They're interrupted by the Lord Master (LM) who tries to use mind control to take her until Barron's shows himself and tells him she belongs to him.  The LM then retrieves.  Mac wonder who Barron's is when LM is Bad and Barron's is Badder.

Fang Rating:  V V V V V

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