Monday, April 8, 2013

FaeFever Book 3

Let me start by saying that I absolutely love JZB.  Mac has a hell of a lot of self control I don't know why or how she can resist that!  This book is great because we see Mac evolve and grow.  Not only by increasing her Seelie abilities but by putting herself out more.  She keeps many things from Barron's because she still doesn't trust him.  She doesn't trust VLane or Ro either.  But Barron's is always the one that comes to rescue her, he is her constant.  There is definitely an attraction brewing and it is electric but neither seem to want to admit it or talk about it.  Mac asks Barron's to teach her about voice control.  She wants to be able to take control and override any of LM's voice control.  Fave part of the book was when she buys him a Birthday cake, it has pink and black frosting.  He responds by asking "is the cake for me or you Miss Lane?"  At the end of the book the wall comes down and Barron's is in Scotland trying to help the McKellers and Mac is trying to get to the Abbey.  She doesn't make it to the Abbey because the entire city of Dublin is now a dark zone.  She does get to talk with Dani and finds out that the Orbs had shades in them and that when it was opened during the ritual all the shades came out and invaded the Abbey.  She tells Dani that she did not purposely do that she did not set them up.  The phone Dies there is no reception,  she is left to wonder if Barron's had set her up. Three unseelie Princes who had be in jail are now free and Rape Mac.  OMF!  WTF!
I truly did not see that one coming.  What Now!!!!!!!!!!!
Fang Rating V V V V V

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