Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Finished Faefever!!!!

I am soo taken aback by the ending of this book! Thank God I have the next one to read or I would be extremely mad at the author and send her very scary hate mail for the rest of her life!!!! Are you trying to kill me Karen Morning???? Let me back it up as Mac does and say, besides the ending, this is my favorite book yet! Relationships deepen and become stronger, especially between Jereicho and Mac and tons of new information is uncovered. So much happens, Mac is getting stronger and is learning so much but it is still with an eternal conflict of if she can trust Barrons or not and the odds are not stacked in his favor. She finds out that he does not age and she sees him carrying a bloody dead woman from the Silver Mirror in his office. Mac is soo scared of getting played by him and does not want to fall into her sister's footprints and fall in love with the ultimate bad guy. V'lane tells her the story of the Seelie King and all ways point in the direction of Barrons but that has not crossed Mac's radar yet. I love all the interactions between her and Barrons, which I hoping is foreplay! All builds up to Samhain also known as Halloween when the walls fall and the Unseelie princes consume Mac and bring her to her death and that is where the book ends! The only glimmer of hope is Mac's final message to her readers:
A Note to the Reader

I foreshadowed this moment. And I‟ve foreshadowed what‟s yet to come, but for those of you with flashlights running low on batteries, who feel the Shades closing in, and fear there‟s no hope in sight, consider this:

In Bloodfever Mac says, “Although it may not seem like it, this isn‟t a story about darkness. It‟s about light. Khalil Gibran says Your joy can fill you only as deeply as your sorrow has carved you. If you‟ve never tasted bitterness, sweet is just another pleasant flavor on your tongue. One day I‟m going to hold a lot of joy.”

And she will. That was my promise in her words.
Fang Rating VVVVV

- Mon

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