Monday, April 29, 2013

Finished Edge of Hunger, Book 1 in Priminal Insticts Series!

Well this is our first novel read by Ryhannon Byrd and I am happily not disappointed. Still morning the loss of Barrons in my life (Fever Series), it had to take a good read to get me out of it. This was a good book, however I was still able to put it down.... Edge of Hunger does not waste any time getting to the action, almost a little too quick at first since I wanted a little development in the characters' relationships before they went at it but that in time that did come and that, for me, is when the book really took off! Don't get me wrong, Byrd can write a great sex scene along with the rest of them, J.R Ward included but the story line or the way she writes just didn't grip me as much. Edge of Hunger opens up the Primal Instincts series introducing, Ian Buchanan, the first in an ancient line of Merrick that are being "awakened" to fight off their enemy the Caus. I guess I would describe the Casus as a man eating demon animal? The Merrick were born to kill the Caus, which have now found a way back from their prison and are trying to take over. You are also introduced to the Watchmen in this book. The Watchmen are a group of shape shifters who watch over all supernatural beings. They have a secret Council in which they serve. This book was a nice setup for the rest of the series, lots of characters to write about whether it be the hot Watchmen or Ian's brother and sister who will in time also "awaken" to the Merrick if the Causus continue their pursuit. Overall, the Primal Instincts series brings something new to the paranormal romances we read which are so often either Vampires, Werewolves, Fallen Angels or Faeries. Bryd has brought us a new "primal animal"....I'm just glad it has fangs!

Fang Rating VVVv

- Mon

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