Thursday, December 29, 2011

True Blood season 4 marathon starts TONIGHT on HBO!

For those of you who have HBO all year round! lol! What I wouldn't give to watch Big E on my bday!

Details below courtsey of

HBO is giving us Truebies a proper send off for 2011: they're reairing all of season 4! The marathon begins December 29 with episodes 1-4, then 5-8 air December 30, and episodes 9-12 will show on New Year's Eve.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

SVU Guy joins True Blood Season 5

TV Line says, "According to executive producer Alan Ball, the former Law & Order: SVU front man will play, ”An ancient, powerful vampire who holds the fate of Bill and Eric in his hands.”

                                             For full story visit: TV's Line's Story on Chris Meloni

 I don't know how I feel about this, he was always soo chessy on SVU but apparently this is not his first time working with HBO.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Finished Fallen!!!!!!

Alright I finished Fallen!  Where to begin.  I thought the book was good. This book is the story of  a love that is cursed (by Who I still do not know)  and destined to fail.  Daniel and Luce's story is captivating.. And Kate does leave you intrigued about what happens next.  Still many unanswered questions but that is a good thing because I am definitely going to read the next book in the series.  This was an interesting twist of event from the other books we have read.  The book is about Fallen Angels and one in particular Daniel  who falls for a forbidden love, Luce.  It is a bit adolescent because it deals with young love.  I enjoyed the book very much I could barely put it down.  I was submersed into the story and wanted to know what would happen next.  Kate is a good writer because she doesn't give you too much to soon.  The more your read the more you discover.  Which is great because it doesn't have to much of what  I call fillers!  I would give the the book a VVVV Fang Rating.  I am excited about learning more of Daniel's World.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Finished Fallen

Not to my surprise, this teenage romance about Luce and Daniel was a story about true love and angels. The main character, a strange and beautiful Luce who is followed by shadows, becomes obsessed with unlocking the secrets of alluring boy at her new school. Although, juvenile (thanks Carol) at times, this book really had me going in the beginning. I didn't know what was going to happen next and it was often times funny! Midway through the book after I started to get a grasp on the plot, it seemed to drag on but also had me hooked because I really wanted all the secrets to come to the surface. After finishing the book, a lot of the secrets were answered but a lot were not. Like, there is still really no answer about the shadows or why Luce is sooo important. Lauren Kate totally sets us up for the next book, at this point you would be crazy not too read it. However, I hope it starts fresh with action and doesn't continue on with more of the same. I liked the epilogue, I like the subject matter of past lives and I like the characters and even though I would have enjoyed more action, she did good with the sexual tension. I enjoyed this book more than Die For Me and give it VVVV. On to Torment, don't let me down Kate!

- Mon

Friday, December 9, 2011

True Blood Season 5 Guide

Counting down the days.....

Check out True Blood News's Season 5 Guide

They have already titled the first three episodes and is continuing to post updates/ previews of each!

EPISODE 501 -  “Turn, Turn, Turn”

EPISODE 502 – “Authority Always Wins”

EPISODE 503 – “It’s New Year”

Big E's Upcoming Movie

TRUEBLOOD-NEWS.COM STATES: Alexander SkarsgÄrd is back at work filming True Blood Season 5, but news of his movie Battleship (plus new stills) surfaced today thanks to They break down 18 things they learned about the movie while visiting the editing bay. My personal favorite:
The film has a very strange sense of humor. During the meetcute between the romantic leads, a down on his luck Taylor Kitsch breaks into a convenience store and steals a frozen burrito in an effort to woo Brooklyn Decker. The burglary goes horribly awry and ends with repeated tasing. The scene is bizarre indeed, but it’s also fairly charming, at times even recalling the tone of Raising Arizona.
The movie is set to release May 18, 2012.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Finished Die for me......

Die for me was a charming book to read.  I thought is was a very creative way to portray the immortals that live among us.  The idea of Reverents (almost angels that died saving a life their fore earning there immortality).  I thought the concept was creative and a pretty hot idea for an immortal with no fangs!.  The description of the reverents was sexy and intriguing.  I would definitely recommend this book to others I would give it VVVV (4 fangs).  The reason  being that it was more of a young adult book and there fore the adult situations did not get very descriptive (hot and steamy) or involved.  The author kept it pg 13 all the way.  I loved the character of Vincent and his story.  In many ways he reminded me of Edward.  Kate was also an interesting character just having suffered the death of her parents she does not handle the idea of death very well.  That does not help if you start falling for the handsome guy who dies over and over again..  The other supporting characters were interesting as well each had a compelling story.  I thought it read well great book to read.  I did however get the feeling that there is more to come because the book was more of an introduction to there lives and not the story of there lives.  I think it definitely set the foundation for more stories of the trial and tribulations of a sprouting romance between a human and an immortal.  I look forward to reading more about Vincent and Kate Amy hurry up and release the next book in the series.
Fang Rating VVVV