Friday, June 8, 2012

Finished Crave, Book 2 Fallen Angels

Crave, Book 2 in the Fallen Angels series, really gets things going! It is a perfect second book which builds up the momentum of the series and adds depth to the characters. Jim, Adrian and Eddie (who I would love a book on) are fighting for the second soul in this book and Devina, although triumphs (spoiler alert) is falling for Jim! I liked this book a lot better than the first one, maybe because the characters we know were built upon and mostly because I loved Issac! One of my favorite all time characters for her....even better beating some of her vamps in BDB. This bad ass southern gentleman brought it home hard and I really liked his love interest as well, the smart attorney, Grier. The third sex scene in the wine cellar was off the chain, but I must admit my favorite part was at the end when Jim grabbed himself to entice Devina! I did not see that coming and glad finally Jim showed a little bit of his sexuality which has been put on the back burner since the beginning of the first book. For me the book dragged a little at the end, it was almost like the author was sure how to peice the ending all together but I love how this author, for the most part, always gives you a happy ending. There were a lot of twists and turns in this book and for me it was a great fast read, so looking forward to the next book.

Fang Rating VVVVV

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