Friday, June 8, 2012

Finished Deadlocked 12!!!!

Yikes!!!!  That was a great book, if you are a fan of the Sookie Stackhouse series then you will like this one as well.  If you continue to read forward and have not yet read book 12 then be advised their may be some spoiler.....  Where do I begin? The book started off right on cue.  There were lots of developments.  But there are still some major questions that were left unanswered.  Like what will be the consequence of killing Victor?  Will Eric marry Freyda?  Sookie did use the Cluviel Dor to save Sam's life....this I think is my Favorite!! book from the series because everything happened quite fast and we really do not know where Charlaine is going from here on out.  Eric loves Sookie and is married to her but engaged to Freyda who is a Queen and can give him lots of power.  Bill loves Sookie and is always there to offer advice and company as well.  He always knows the right thing to say and even proclaims to love Sookie more that Eric.  Sam is a long time friend, one of Sookie's best friends and she even uses the Cluviel Dor to save his life.  I completely loved this book and look forward to the next and final book of the series.

Fang Rating; VVVVV
- Carol

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