Thursday, September 1, 2011

Episode 410 : Burning Down The House

All I gots to say is : HE IS NOT SUPPOSE TO REMEMBER ANYTHING! Okay, now that I got that out...that is such a key to the building love and tensions through books 5-7 or 8? I have no idea where it is going to go from here! And her declaring her love for Bill... :( So doesn't happen either. Like I said before, at least they are sticking with the love triangle storyline which is present in the books all the way through. And hey, I dying to see what happens next and so sad season 4 will soon be over. Loving Big E's response to it all!

Well I must say that I did not know what to make of this episode.  Eric remembered everything and instead of it being totally Awesome!! Sookie is confused about her feelings for Big E!!!!!!!!!! Well that was a let down for me.  I can understand why the writers took this route becase when you read all the books those mix feelings are present and surface from time to time.  But like Mon mentioned Eric and Sookie are an item in the books and that is very clear.....and in the series we just don't know where this is headed.  I am looking foward to seeing how this season is going to end.  So far Lafayette is great and funny"its a latin thing".  OMG I laughed he's too much.  And Jason is also great!!!!!!!look foward to seeing some more.

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