Monday, September 12, 2011

When I Die : True Blood Season 4 Finale

I am so sad, La Sook se fue! My Sookie summer is officially over! I will def be reading book 5 before season 5 begins! So much to say, OMGF Jesus is dead and possibly Tara too. Lafayette and Tara's characters discuss this on stating that neither saw this coming. Lafayette's character said he should be Russel Eddington's boyfriend if he indeed returns and Tara doesn't know if she will come back as a ghost or not at all.....never mentioning being turned into a vamp?! I think they may turn her although I won't miss her nasally voice and bad New Orleans accent. They left us with such a cliffhanger...will Tara live, what is up with Terry's suspicious new friend, and Steve Newlin's appearance at the end? Oh yeah, and Jessica is dangerous, por favor muchacha! The more I talk about this, the more I want to go and read book 5 now! I also think that Andy's fairy will be back to bite us all in the ass as well. And about our man, of course I think Sook is crazy for denying the Viking but it only makes sense as a way to keep the sexual tension going. They can't end up together already because the series would be over, so I am actually okay with that. So where does that leave us with Season 5? Spoilers say that they will delv more into Pam and Eric's bond and what about our weretiger Quinn? Will he make an apperance? One thing is for sure, with half the cast dying off there will def be some newcomers on the scene. Guess I will have to wait until May to read book 12 to get my fix. Until then, My beloved Big E...enjoy the long nights.    
- Mon

Total Cliffhanger! Is what comes to mind when you see the season finale of True Blood..
I agree with Mon on a few key points.  LaSook should have chosen the Viking he is totally Hot...Muy Caliente.  But I can see why the writers must keep that love triangle going.  Very Rancho of them to have a scene where she is feeding both Eric and Bill  her blood at the same time.  It is definitley a diffrent type of threesome (uh.lala).  Seems like Bill and Eric are working well together, they killed the head of the authority total B***** when she threatened to out Sookie and her fairy blood  "Bravo Boys well done".  Did Russell escape from his grave and will we be seeing more of him in the future.  Has Jessica become the resident Hoho Vamp on TB?  Does Pam love Eric in more ways than that of a maker and child?.  Will Tara die or possibly become a Vamp?  Why did Lafayette kill "Boyfriend" (Jesus), that sucked!!!  Arlene is seeing the ghost of Rene and he is warning her, a little weird but ok.  Andy is still trying to court Holly yet had a crazy encounter with a fairy in the woods.  Overall I thought it was very entertaining and look forward to the next season! Viva Bon Temps............ till next Summer.

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