Friday, September 23, 2011

Finished Halfway to the Grave

Wow, that was a bit painful...This was book 1 in the Night Huntress Series. It moved fast at first, I was digging Mr. Bones but the fact that I just couldn't relate to Cat was what got me in the end. The beginning was good, the building sexual tension, etc but then after the big hook up it just seemed like the author was all over the place with the plot and I just got bored. This series kind of reminds me of the Love at Stake series but without the humor, if you are going to be a light sexy romance, be a light sexy romance. This is a light sexy romance that is trying to be more than it is. Pretty low on the creative meter for me personally. I had to force myself to finish this one. In the end, I think it was the characters, mostly the heroine, she was annoying and lacked substance. The ending was a total cliffhanger that leads into the next book, but not enough to make me download it into my reader! lol. I just couldn't handle Cat (not our Cat of course) and her mama. 

Fang Rating VV

 - Mon

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