Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Soul of Fire: Episode 411

Glad bad ass Mr. Big and Blond is back!

So sad my Sookie summer is almost over! Great episode, I was on the edge of my seat and totally did not see Marnie taking hold of Lafayette at the end coming at all. I thought next episode they would just be patching stuff up! Yeah right! Looks like it is going to be action packed. The Eric and Sookie website ericandsookie.com, actually mentions the book for once so I had to put it in. Food for thought, see below, can't wait till next week!

"A ring of fire surrounds Sookie and draws ever closer, threatening to burn her alive. Sookie starts to scream in panic and both Eric and Bill can feel her fear in all its gut wrenching agony. Eric paces outside, literally, wanting so badly to get to her but not being able to. Kind of reminded me of Book 9 when Sookie was kidnapped by fae and Eric was being held against his will, not able to go to her, as he felt her fear and terror while they tortured her."

Well I am so glad to see the  Bad A** Eric we all  know and love from the books.  Once again the episode was riviting and left me wanting more.  There is definatley alot of tension between Sookie and Eric.  How I wished I could jump into the tv and tell La Sook to pick Eric.  By far the better Vamp!!!!!!!!!! Well since I can't do that I guess I'll just have to wait and see what the writers will come up with.  Seems unreal that we are down to the final episode of season 4.  Marnie has possed Lafayette and Sookie and Eric are in a stare down contest.  Jason has feeling for Jessica, and Andy hooked up with a fairy.  Totally action packed!!
I truely hate to see 4 season come to an end.

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