Thursday, February 16, 2012

Finished Book 4 Lunatic Cafe!!!

Well my fellow blogger's I just finished reading Lunatic Cafe Book 4 and it was so good.  I must be completely honest, I am far more interested in the developing love affair between Anita and Jean Claude than I am with the solving mystery part of the books.  So needless to say that my favorite line of the book is of the two of them.  Do you love me, ma petite?"I stared into Gretchen's rage-filled face and said, "I don't suppose you'd believe me if I said no?""Can you not simply say yes?""Yes, in some dark, twisted part of my soul, I love you. Happy?"He smiled. "How can you marry him if you love me?""I love him, too, Jean-Claude."
Well that is what is keeping me hooked.  I just need to know more and although the book was great and I read it extremely fast at the end it left me wanting more.  I didn't feel fulfilled with the ending.  I thought that she could have given us the readers a little more insight.  But I was interested and the mystery is always a surprise so she is a great writer.  I'm just looking for more hot love and romance.  Hopefully she will give me some of that soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am moving on to book 5 and I'm hoping for the best.
Fang rating VVVV

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