Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Finished VH 3 Circus of the Damned

OMG what just happened???? I am almost too upset to give my opinion right now! However, when I am upset it means that the book was REALLY good or I would not be soo emotionally involved.  I guess I am dying to get started on book 4 but also trying to take in everything that just happened! Thank goodnesss I have Carol and her RBLs (read between the lines) to process this with! So in this book there are a group of rogue vamps trying to over throw the Master of the City, Jean-Claude, and use Anita do it! This book really starts to scratch of the surface on how deep the love between Anita and Jean-Claude really goes and had me guessing until the very end! Spoiler alert, at the end of this book, all of Jean-Claude’s marks were erased which leaves poor little Anita, Ms. Vampire Hunter herself feeling empty and finally admitting, “I might even, in some dark corner, love him a little”.  Now that I have calmed down from that shocker, I must say that I loved the dialog in this book between Jean-Claude and Anita, the sexual tension and love for each other continues to build and some amazing things are revealed. Anita’s walls are starting to fall down along with her perspective on being romantically involved with “monsters”. At first Anita said she would never date a lycanthrope but is now dating Richard, which will hopefully pave the way to her dating “a walking corpse” aka the gorgeous and sexy Jean-Claude. She also admits in the end that she herself is not any less of a human than Richard by being a zombie queen and necromancer which is also very key in her changing feelings for Jean-Claude and moves her towards admitting they are not that different! I also must add that I am starting to see a theme in the book titles...each title is where her and JC meet in that particular story...Overall the fang rating on this is very high as I got quite worked up reading it! Now onto 4!
Fang Rating VVVVV

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