Monday, February 20, 2012

Finished VH 4 Lunatic Cafe!

Where do I begin? Well, I can begin by saying that I had high expectations for this book since I read online that JC (Jean-Claude) and Anita start dating in this book.  Just a side note, the author always trips me out with this word “dating” that she always uses. I think it is a little out “dated” but hey, so is the beeper and the VCR…these books were written in the 80’s! So, they do start dating but it came about in a way that I least expected, not so hot and heavy and an engagement from Richard that I did NOT see coming!!! The author always delivers with a great mystery and surprises at every turn which she always bring together beautifully in the end. Although I could have had more of JC in this book, I did like the action with Richard! Esp when he eyes started to change at the full moon! I think this book is very important, like all, to the developing love relationship between Anita and JC. She admits she loves him, he acknowledges JC somewhat as Richard’s equal and I think this whole dating Richard thing will steer her to realizing she is just like JC, a monster. I always love the last line in these books and I think are used to sum up the book, “I had the swan skin mounted in a tasteful frame, behind glass. I hung it in the living room. It matched the couch. Richard doesn't like it. I like it just fine.” This speaks volumes…it will not last with her and Richard, they are too different, she is too ruthless for him! This being said, the motivation too keep reading these books when she always leaves us hanging is starting to affect Mon and Carol so there better be some sexual lovin with JC or we may have to take a break for some action with J. R. Ward's Angels!
Fang Rating: VVVV
-          Mon

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