Monday, February 6, 2012

Finished VH 2 Laughing Corpse!!!

Book two of the Vampire Huntress Series the Laughing Corpse was good.  I  am really getting into this series, so glad there are about 20 books.  Anita's character is very witty and strong yet feminine. I am loving Jean Claude and can't wait to read more about their relationship.  While reading these books I feel as if I am finding out at the same time as they are what thier feelings for one another are.  For me personally I know I am reading a good book when I finish reading one and can't wait to pick up the next.  Favorite line of the book is when Anita sees Jean Claude for the 1st time since book 1.
"No lies, ma petite, I can feel your desire." His tongue flicked across his lips. "I can taste it."   Simply said this is a must read.  ma petite. Not lust, but desire.
Casual lust is easily defeated," he said. He stood
in one smooth motion. "What we have is not casual,

Fang rating VVVVV


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