Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Finished Blue Ice

Take me Taka take me!!! What a great book! Bastien is my number one but this is definitely my second favorite! This story is about Taka and Summer. Summer comes from a rich Hollywood family and is a plain but gorgeous art curator? Well, she got her degrees in art history and holds the key to the famous Urn which her Japanese godmother left her. Little does she know that a powerful man from a cult is after the Urn to complete his plan of Armageddon which is were the Committee comes in to save the day...aka operative Taka who takes what he wants without asking!!! Taka is a great character and I liked Summer to, not a winy as Genvieve and their adventure is a good one, with twists and turns at every bend. Taka is beyond sexy and I love all of the Japanese culture, etc that is in this book. One I could truly get lost in. I also love how Anne Stuart, the author, brings in past characters and gives us updates on their were abouts and includes them in the current story. This book definitely leads up to Madame Lambert's story which is up next! Love these books, love Anne Stuart's writing!!

Fang Rating VVVVV

- Mon

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