Friday, February 15, 2013

Finished Cold As Ice

This is the second book in Anne Stuart's Ice series and it was another fast read! This story was about Peter Jensen, the man who helped save Bastien and came to tell him that Chloe was still in trouble in the first book. Well now, it is Peter aka Madsen?'s time to fall in love and rescue the girl. Jensen's love interest is as he sometimes calls her, "Genny" Spenser, the mouthy New York lawyer. I liked her but I must admit I like Chloe more. Genny gets in the way of one of Peter's kills and ends up being kidnapped by him and once again he cannot kill her but falls in love with her. This was a great book. I really enjoyed it, Peter was a bit funny in his sarcastic way but there was no profession of love at the end of this book which I think is why I liked it a little less. However, saying that, it did leave the ending more up to your imagination...we don't know who Genvieve got to Peter's London home, last she was told by him he didn't want to see her so something major must have happened to convince her to go make a home for herself in HIS home! All is well that ends well, Madame Lambert told him to his home needed a woman's touch and that is exactly what he got. An added bonus to this book is that we get an update on Chloe and Bastien and get to meet our apparently, very sexy, next runner up Takashi O'Brien! The more exotic the happier I am! On to see what number 3 has in store!

- Mon
Fang Rating VVVV

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