Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Finished Ice Storm

Madame Isobel Lambert aka the Ice Queen has quite the love hate relationship with her man, Killian, Serfin, and all the other names he has. There relationship was built on lies since she was a teenager and this book has great flashbacks during to that time which gave a perfect backdrop to the love history between Isobel and Killian but also lets the reader into why Isabol is the way she is. This book was another great one, I didn't enjoy it as much as Taka but nevertheless it was a great read and I really really liked it. I loved how, once again, the book added in all the other characters from the past books even more so than any of the other stories. Bastien and his kids, Peter wife's getting prego, Taka and Summer in Tokoyo, and nasty old Sir Harry who met his final days at the end of the book. I really liked Madame Lambert's character which for me is a deciding factor on most cases as to how much  I like the book and I loved Killian too. My fav line, " I would have killed him for your princess"! I loved how he called her princess and I loved how this book stood out as different from all the rest although equally entertaining. In the end, Madame Lambert did not disappoint! Moving on to Reno, hoping I can get past the hair!

Fang Rating VVVV

- Mon

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