Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Alexander Skarsgård’s Melancholia

The True Blood actor talks about working with Danish provocateur Lars Von Trier, starlet Kirsten Dunst.. and his own dad...

Friday, September 23, 2011

Finished Halfway to the Grave

Wow, that was a bit painful...This was book 1 in the Night Huntress Series. It moved fast at first, I was digging Mr. Bones but the fact that I just couldn't relate to Cat was what got me in the end. The beginning was good, the building sexual tension, etc but then after the big hook up it just seemed like the author was all over the place with the plot and I just got bored. This series kind of reminds me of the Love at Stake series but without the humor, if you are going to be a light sexy romance, be a light sexy romance. This is a light sexy romance that is trying to be more than it is. Pretty low on the creative meter for me personally. I had to force myself to finish this one. In the end, I think it was the characters, mostly the heroine, she was annoying and lacked substance. The ending was a total cliffhanger that leads into the next book, but not enough to make me download it into my reader! lol. I just couldn't handle Cat (not our Cat of course) and her mama. 

Fang Rating VV

 - Mon

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Sookie Book 13

I literally just pulled this off Charlaine's Facebook post today: Looks like the FINAL Sookie Book to come out May 2013! Wonder how it will end! Hope she has an actual ending...
I'm a long-time fan of Laurell's. We just knew our worlds wouldn't mesh well. And to be absolutely clear, there will be two more Sookie books, one in May 2012 and one in May 2013. Now, off to have breakfast with my good friend Joanna Carl, lunch with my fan club, do a panel this afternoon, and dine with the Orion reps present here. A great day.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Eric and Sookie in Entertainment Weekly!

                                                    For more info check out

Monday, September 12, 2011

When I Die : True Blood Season 4 Finale

I am so sad, La Sook se fue! My Sookie summer is officially over! I will def be reading book 5 before season 5 begins! So much to say, OMGF Jesus is dead and possibly Tara too. Lafayette and Tara's characters discuss this on stating that neither saw this coming. Lafayette's character said he should be Russel Eddington's boyfriend if he indeed returns and Tara doesn't know if she will come back as a ghost or not at all.....never mentioning being turned into a vamp?! I think they may turn her although I won't miss her nasally voice and bad New Orleans accent. They left us with such a cliffhanger...will Tara live, what is up with Terry's suspicious new friend, and Steve Newlin's appearance at the end? Oh yeah, and Jessica is dangerous, por favor muchacha! The more I talk about this, the more I want to go and read book 5 now! I also think that Andy's fairy will be back to bite us all in the ass as well. And about our man, of course I think Sook is crazy for denying the Viking but it only makes sense as a way to keep the sexual tension going. They can't end up together already because the series would be over, so I am actually okay with that. So where does that leave us with Season 5? Spoilers say that they will delv more into Pam and Eric's bond and what about our weretiger Quinn? Will he make an apperance? One thing is for sure, with half the cast dying off there will def be some newcomers on the scene. Guess I will have to wait until May to read book 12 to get my fix. Until then, My beloved Big E...enjoy the long nights.    
- Mon

Total Cliffhanger! Is what comes to mind when you see the season finale of True Blood..
I agree with Mon on a few key points.  LaSook should have chosen the Viking he is totally Hot...Muy Caliente.  But I can see why the writers must keep that love triangle going.  Very Rancho of them to have a scene where she is feeding both Eric and Bill  her blood at the same time.  It is definitley a diffrent type of threesome (uh.lala).  Seems like Bill and Eric are working well together, they killed the head of the authority total B***** when she threatened to out Sookie and her fairy blood  "Bravo Boys well done".  Did Russell escape from his grave and will we be seeing more of him in the future.  Has Jessica become the resident Hoho Vamp on TB?  Does Pam love Eric in more ways than that of a maker and child?.  Will Tara die or possibly become a Vamp?  Why did Lafayette kill "Boyfriend" (Jesus), that sucked!!!  Arlene is seeing the ghost of Rene and he is warning her, a little weird but ok.  Andy is still trying to court Holly yet had a crazy encounter with a fairy in the woods.  Overall I thought it was very entertaining and look forward to the next season! Viva Bon Temps............ till next Summer.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Breaking Dawn Part 1 Pics and Trailer

What an awesome poster! Edward and Bella both wearing there wedding rings.  I can hardly wait til Breaking Dawn 1 comes out.  Looking forward to enjoying this epic romance story continue  to unfold ........Uummmmmm I can already hear those wedding bells ringing.
This one is for all you Twifans out there, a sneak  peak of what the movie will bring. Enjoy!


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Soul of Fire: Episode 411

Glad bad ass Mr. Big and Blond is back!

So sad my Sookie summer is almost over! Great episode, I was on the edge of my seat and totally did not see Marnie taking hold of Lafayette at the end coming at all. I thought next episode they would just be patching stuff up! Yeah right! Looks like it is going to be action packed. The Eric and Sookie website, actually mentions the book for once so I had to put it in. Food for thought, see below, can't wait till next week!

"A ring of fire surrounds Sookie and draws ever closer, threatening to burn her alive. Sookie starts to scream in panic and both Eric and Bill can feel her fear in all its gut wrenching agony. Eric paces outside, literally, wanting so badly to get to her but not being able to. Kind of reminded me of Book 9 when Sookie was kidnapped by fae and Eric was being held against his will, not able to go to her, as he felt her fear and terror while they tortured her."

Well I am so glad to see the  Bad A** Eric we all  know and love from the books.  Once again the episode was riviting and left me wanting more.  There is definatley alot of tension between Sookie and Eric.  How I wished I could jump into the tv and tell La Sook to pick Eric.  By far the better Vamp!!!!!!!!!! Well since I can't do that I guess I'll just have to wait and see what the writers will come up with.  Seems unreal that we are down to the final episode of season 4.  Marnie has possed Lafayette and Sookie and Eric are in a stare down contest.  Jason has feeling for Jessica, and Andy hooked up with a fairy.  Totally action packed!!
I truely hate to see 4 season come to an end.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Finished Sunshine!

Well, well, what can I say....there is something very special about this book despite that there are no chapters (thanks for pointing that out cat!) and it all seems like one big run on sentence. To me this book is about girl power, coming into yourself and accepting life on life's terms which I really like. I would have liked a better hook up of vamp and girl at the end (more action) but she ended it tastefully, she leaves many questions unanswered and leaves A LOT up to the imagination......good thing I have a good imagination! I really liked this book, not perfect but something different and a welcomed change and fresh look to the classic vamp love story. This one stands out from the rest!

Fang Rating : VVVV

- Mon

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Episode 410 : Burning Down The House

All I gots to say is : HE IS NOT SUPPOSE TO REMEMBER ANYTHING! Okay, now that I got that out...that is such a key to the building love and tensions through books 5-7 or 8? I have no idea where it is going to go from here! And her declaring her love for Bill... :( So doesn't happen either. Like I said before, at least they are sticking with the love triangle storyline which is present in the books all the way through. And hey, I dying to see what happens next and so sad season 4 will soon be over. Loving Big E's response to it all!

Well I must say that I did not know what to make of this episode.  Eric remembered everything and instead of it being totally Awesome!! Sookie is confused about her feelings for Big E!!!!!!!!!! Well that was a let down for me.  I can understand why the writers took this route becase when you read all the books those mix feelings are present and surface from time to time.  But like Mon mentioned Eric and Sookie are an item in the books and that is very clear.....and in the series we just don't know where this is headed.  I am looking foward to seeing how this season is going to end.  So far Lafayette is great and funny"its a latin thing".  OMG I laughed he's too much.  And Jason is also great!!!!!!!look foward to seeing some more.

True Blood Volume 3 Track Listing and Release Date


True Blood – Music From the HBO Series – Volume 3 will be released on September 6th, 5 days before the season 4 finale on September 11th. (Holy moly, there’s only one more month left!). The CD will include the following tracks and there will be an additional Digital Download version that will have even more. Check out a very special rendition of Bad Things at the EW.
1. “Season Of The Witch”  -  Karen Elson featuring Donovan
2. “Me And The Devil” -  Gil Scott-Heron
3. “Te Ni Nee Ni Nu” -  Slim Harpo
4. “She’s Not There” -  Neko Case and Nick Cave
5. “Hitting The Ground”  -  PJ Harvey and Gordon Gano
6. “Spellbound” -  Siouxsie and the Banshees
7. “9 Crimes (Demo)” -  Damien Rice
8.  “Cold Grey Light Of Dawn”  -  Nick Lowe
9. “Hell’s Bells” -  Cary Ann Hearst
10. “Gonna Be A Darkness”  -  Jakob Dylan and Gary Louris
11. “What You Do To Me”  -  BlakRoc
12. “Paradise Circus” -  Massive Attack
13. “And When I Die” -  The Heavy
14. “Bad Things”  -  Jace Everett
Digital Deluxe bonus tracks
15. “Bad Things” – Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
16. “She’s Not There” – Dick Isreal And The Soothsayer
17. “She’s Not There” – L’Avventura
18. “She”s Not There” – Paper Pilots