Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Monkingjay book 3

After living in Panem for a few weeks its hard to say good bye.  The Mockingjay book has lots of twist and turns most of them unexpected which made reading all the more exciting.  Katniss is ever the heroine, she is put in this position bye sheer coincidence.  She was not looking to become the face of rebellion and the embodiment of hope to so many others.  But because of her genuine whole hearted she became just that, the symbol to freedom and strength.  How ever those attributes did not come without a high price.  The price was having to give up almost everyone she loved and fought for.  Katniss Everdeen learned first hand that things are not always what they seem to be.  The most surprising part of the entire story told thru out the three books is that the victors of The Hunger Games were not free or lucky to have survived.  Those that had been able to survive the games were worse off to a certain extant than those who had died while in the games.  It was evident when the Quarter Quell required victors to play once again.  Snow was an evil tyrant and did all in his power to make all victors regret there victories.  Haymicth was also a victim of the capital everyone he loved had been killed within 2 weeks of his victory,  Finnick was offered to people from the capital for sexual favors,  and others suffered the same fate.  Gale is whom I thought of as Katniss' true love but all the circumstances  surrounding the the rebellion and the aftermath of the Hunger Game proofed to be too much of an obstacle for there young love.  The rebels prevailed at the end but Prim was killed during the final battle.  Katniss lost all will to live she could not even find her words.  The very last act as Mockingjay she was to kill Snow.  In a final act of defiance she kills Coin.  Coin was the reason Prim died and all the Innocent children, she even suggested they have a final Hunger Game but with the children from the Capital.  The knew President is  Payton whom herself was a victor for district 8.  Haymicth and Katniss go back to district 12 with a few others that have gone to start rebuilding the district.  Peeta does return as well, they marry and have there own children after many years.  The ending made perfect sense, but it was also the aftermath of so much destruction.  The books were great and I'm glad I read them I am happy the people of Panem have there new beginning to rebuild there life's.
Fang Rating VVVV

Monday, August 27, 2012

Finished Mockingjay! 3rd Hunger Games book!

What a relief!!! I feel like I have given birth! Not really...Spoiler alert! Katniss kills Coin instead of Snow and she ends up with PETTA! Guess it all makes sense in the end, but I feel like I had to experience tons of trauma to get to this point! This book was great, just like the whole series. I loved the ending, it made sense. My favorite line is by Petta, "You love me, real or unreal?" There were tons of twists and turns, it really kept me reading and enthralled but I was also a little tired out by it all! lol! I think book 2 was my favorite of them all. A very intense series of books but ones I will never forget! Beautiful Katniss got annoying towards the end but I guess all independent smart women are at times. These books were amazing and I never read anything like them...glad I finally know the ending and hope Katniss and Peeta's children live happily ever after!

Fang Rating  VVVVV

- Mon

True Blood Season 5 Finale!!!

It's hard to believe that Season 5 is finished.  If you are a Trubie then that comes as no surprise.  For all those loyal fans then you also know that in the world of Sookie everything can go to hell in one hour and it did!  Big E "Eric" saved Sookie and finally got the ultimate revenge when he gave Russell Edgington his true death, I'm not gonna Lie to  you Eric is sexy when he is being menacing.  Bill is a religious Nut and Eric is wonderful.  Andy is now a father to 4 fairies, who would have thought.   After giving birth Maurella tells Andy its the fathers job to raise them peace out.  Holly responds by tellling Andy he's an A.. hole.  Eric asked Sookie to help him save Bill from himself but it doesn't work because Bill drinks all of Lilliths blood dies and returns asthe new Lillith I like to think of him as Billith.  Sam and Luna figure out a way to rescue Emma.  Luna shifts into Steve Newman and Sam into a fly.  For shifters turning into a human is very dangerous.  Sam the fly is swallowed by the counsel woman, then he turns human again consequently killing her  from the in side out (that was cool).  Jason is on a mission to kill as many Vamps as possible.  Eric along with Nora (the sister), Sookie, Jason, and Tara rescue Pam and Jessica.  Jessica declares her love for Jason, he responds by telling her he could never love a Vamp..  And Tara makes out with Pam.  This was and action packed hour.... last but not least Alcide is now the new Pack Master.

Favorite One Liners for the Night:
If I want to be a fool, then I will be a fool. It's my God-given right as an American." --Jason

"She's a waitress. A waitress who's saved my life more than once and whose fear vibe very graciously brought me here tonight allowing me to settle an ancient debt. Thank you for that, by the way." --Eric

"Must all roads lead to f------ Sookie?" --Pam

You gotta love it!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Allow me to introduce Billith...

Friday, August 17, 2012

Awesome!! Catching Fire Book 2

The title for this book totally says it all. The book was on fire from the beginning.  Every page read is a page of new discoveries and unraveling chain of events that I did not see coming.  It starts off right were The Hunger Games left off, witch in my book is a definite plus.  The characters become stronger and more meaningful to the reader and the main idea is without a doubt genius.  Katniss and Peeta are now Victors and live on victors lane with Haymitch.  The bond that develops is as strong as blood and the idea that the districts could be free from the Capital is hopeful.  A renewed sense of hope has been born but at the same time a sense that the end of all they know is also near.  I was excited to see what would happen next that I could barely but the book down.  On tho the 3rd book, I'm totally looking forward to it.
Fang Rating- V V V V V

Hunger Games Pics - just cause we're feeling it!

Read The Hunger Games!!

Well let me start by saying that I was never really sure I would read The Hunger Games and enjoy it.
But I must say that I enjoyed it a lot.  I first saw the movie and though WOW that was great I really need to read them now because I need to know what happened next.  So I read the Hunger games and it was like watching the movie for a 2nd time with a Little more behind the seen information.  livining in Panem was great I could feel the love toward some characters grow inside of me.  I could also feel the hate for President Snow grow in me as well .  I often tried to make comparisons with the world of Panem and the world we live in.  I must say that if you have not read The Hunger games you should because I think you will enjoy it and even read the book to follow.  Off I go to read book 2.
Fang rating- VVVVV

Finished Catching Fire!

If I thought the last book was a fast read, this book blew it out of the water! Literally, lol! What a fantastic book, I couldn't put it down. What I love about these books besides how smart and adventurous they are is how much they are Woman Power!!!! This is the second book in the Hunger Games series and if you were not hooked after the first, this one really hooks you. I liked it better than the first because the "game" and the characters we were introduced to in the first, we got to know and love even more! I love Haymitch and Cinna especially after this book and I can't wait to see how the series ends! I had so many favorite parts in this book but the one that stands out in my mind is when Katniss wedding dress lights on fire and turns into a Mockingjay! It was surprising and perfect and I remember thinking, I love this book! A must read, I will be trying to convince all now to read it!

Fang Rating VVVVV

- Mon

Monday, August 13, 2012

Fnished Book 1 Hunger Games

What a great breath of fresh air this book was! It had it all, adventure, MAGIC, great characters and even a little bit of romance, maybe a little lacking in the lust department but I was so preoccupied with the what was going to happen next that I hardly noticed. I was really happy with the end of the Hunger Games, I love the berry bit and was really happy with the outcome. Even though, her defiance was a perfect set up for book 2 and the fact that there really is no freedom and she can never truly win as long as the Capitol and President Snow are in power. Great ending, great segway, it was smart, at times funny and will she choose Peeta or Gale? Will we ever find out? Going into book 2 things are just getting deeper and no final decision is made on her part about the boys into book 3, so I am thinking one will have to die and fate will choose who for her, unless she goes...whatever the case, I will find out soon enough! This was a great book, a fast read and I can't wait to see the movie! Having Haymatch as Woody Harleson and Leny as Cinna is so fab to have in mind as I read. Fun stuff!

Fang Rating VVVVV

Sunday, August 5, 2012

We still love Big E!

Carol and I are still dedicated fans of Big E! We have been a little slack reporting our thoughts on the episodes of season 5 but we are content to be in Bon Temps in the last episodes to come. I still have my red wine ritual during the opening song! We have been waiting all year for season 5 of TB and now that we are in the thick of it we are a little concerned on the path it is currently taking. Sooo many changes from the book is disconcerning! Claude being skinny and ugly, Tara getting changed and still being annoying, and the Authority being wack jack but most of all, where is the love between Sookie and her vampires? Bill's character after last show, is there any going back? One cool thing about the direction it is taking is the similarities between the series and the Vampire Hunter series by Laurell K. Hamilton, her and Charlaine collaborate some and we have seen a couple of her ideas used in the True Blood series. For instance the Authority is a lot like Hamilton's Vampire Council and the whole eating of the wolf thing after they die. We are still faithfull viewers hoping for a little more love between Big E and Sookie before its all over!

Finished 3rd Fallen Angels, Envy!

Envy was the third book in J.R. Ward's series of Fallen Angels. The soul up for grab in this book was Vech, a man whose father was a serial killer and whose love interest is Reilly. I really enjoyed this book, it was a big game changer for the series and you totally  can tell the author is also getting into the series building the characters with lots of twists and turns! Spoiler alert, Eddie is no longer and Jim won! Good 2, Evil 1.  The author ends this book with a set up for the next, we already know the soul is question is Matthis, which is interesting since he is already in hell..we shall see, def reading book 4 when it comes out...will Jim or Adrian ever get with anyone? How long can Ms. Ward hold off?

Fang Rating VVVV

- Mon