Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Monkingjay book 3

After living in Panem for a few weeks its hard to say good bye.  The Mockingjay book has lots of twist and turns most of them unexpected which made reading all the more exciting.  Katniss is ever the heroine, she is put in this position bye sheer coincidence.  She was not looking to become the face of rebellion and the embodiment of hope to so many others.  But because of her genuine whole hearted she became just that, the symbol to freedom and strength.  How ever those attributes did not come without a high price.  The price was having to give up almost everyone she loved and fought for.  Katniss Everdeen learned first hand that things are not always what they seem to be.  The most surprising part of the entire story told thru out the three books is that the victors of The Hunger Games were not free or lucky to have survived.  Those that had been able to survive the games were worse off to a certain extant than those who had died while in the games.  It was evident when the Quarter Quell required victors to play once again.  Snow was an evil tyrant and did all in his power to make all victors regret there victories.  Haymicth was also a victim of the capital everyone he loved had been killed within 2 weeks of his victory,  Finnick was offered to people from the capital for sexual favors,  and others suffered the same fate.  Gale is whom I thought of as Katniss' true love but all the circumstances  surrounding the the rebellion and the aftermath of the Hunger Game proofed to be too much of an obstacle for there young love.  The rebels prevailed at the end but Prim was killed during the final battle.  Katniss lost all will to live she could not even find her words.  The very last act as Mockingjay she was to kill Snow.  In a final act of defiance she kills Coin.  Coin was the reason Prim died and all the Innocent children, she even suggested they have a final Hunger Game but with the children from the Capital.  The knew President is  Payton whom herself was a victor for district 8.  Haymicth and Katniss go back to district 12 with a few others that have gone to start rebuilding the district.  Peeta does return as well, they marry and have there own children after many years.  The ending made perfect sense, but it was also the aftermath of so much destruction.  The books were great and I'm glad I read them I am happy the people of Panem have there new beginning to rebuild there life's.
Fang Rating VVVV

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