Monday, August 27, 2012

True Blood Season 5 Finale!!!

It's hard to believe that Season 5 is finished.  If you are a Trubie then that comes as no surprise.  For all those loyal fans then you also know that in the world of Sookie everything can go to hell in one hour and it did!  Big E "Eric" saved Sookie and finally got the ultimate revenge when he gave Russell Edgington his true death, I'm not gonna Lie to  you Eric is sexy when he is being menacing.  Bill is a religious Nut and Eric is wonderful.  Andy is now a father to 4 fairies, who would have thought.   After giving birth Maurella tells Andy its the fathers job to raise them peace out.  Holly responds by tellling Andy he's an A.. hole.  Eric asked Sookie to help him save Bill from himself but it doesn't work because Bill drinks all of Lilliths blood dies and returns asthe new Lillith I like to think of him as Billith.  Sam and Luna figure out a way to rescue Emma.  Luna shifts into Steve Newman and Sam into a fly.  For shifters turning into a human is very dangerous.  Sam the fly is swallowed by the counsel woman, then he turns human again consequently killing her  from the in side out (that was cool).  Jason is on a mission to kill as many Vamps as possible.  Eric along with Nora (the sister), Sookie, Jason, and Tara rescue Pam and Jessica.  Jessica declares her love for Jason, he responds by telling her he could never love a Vamp..  And Tara makes out with Pam.  This was and action packed hour.... last but not least Alcide is now the new Pack Master.

Favorite One Liners for the Night:
If I want to be a fool, then I will be a fool. It's my God-given right as an American." --Jason

"She's a waitress. A waitress who's saved my life more than once and whose fear vibe very graciously brought me here tonight allowing me to settle an ancient debt. Thank you for that, by the way." --Eric

"Must all roads lead to f------ Sookie?" --Pam

You gotta love it!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Allow me to introduce Billith...

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