Monday, August 13, 2012

Fnished Book 1 Hunger Games

What a great breath of fresh air this book was! It had it all, adventure, MAGIC, great characters and even a little bit of romance, maybe a little lacking in the lust department but I was so preoccupied with the what was going to happen next that I hardly noticed. I was really happy with the end of the Hunger Games, I love the berry bit and was really happy with the outcome. Even though, her defiance was a perfect set up for book 2 and the fact that there really is no freedom and she can never truly win as long as the Capitol and President Snow are in power. Great ending, great segway, it was smart, at times funny and will she choose Peeta or Gale? Will we ever find out? Going into book 2 things are just getting deeper and no final decision is made on her part about the boys into book 3, so I am thinking one will have to die and fate will choose who for her, unless she goes...whatever the case, I will find out soon enough! This was a great book, a fast read and I can't wait to see the movie! Having Haymatch as Woody Harleson and Leny as Cinna is so fab to have in mind as I read. Fun stuff!

Fang Rating VVVVV

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