Saturday, December 8, 2012

Finshed VH 12: Incumbus Dreams

Like all Anita Blake books this was a lot of information and sex jammed into one book! So much goes on in these books that it is hard to summarize and since we have been reading them back to back I get a little lost!! Incubus Dreams in a all male strip club across the river in St. Louis where Anita goes to help her drunk friend Ronnie with Micah and Nathanial and ends up finding a body left by the vampire serial killer she and the police and trying to find. Despite the sex, this book was hard to get through, Carol and I started calling these books NyQuil cause they put your ass to sleep!!! It is just too much information and too many positions crammed into one! Therefore, we decided to take a break after this book and hoping maybe a breather will give us renewed interest in Anita, however at this point, I don't know if we will pick up another Anita book again. However, in case we do, the important points of this book to remember, as regards to the series, are, Richard, Anita and JC finally get it on and bring their power to a new level! Anita is getting better controlling the aurdeur and has embraced her love for Nathanial and the fact that she has five boyfriends? No Asher in this book, but a finally a great love scene with Anita and JC ALONE! Towards the end of this book, it sounds like Micah may take the dip, thinking only the auerdeur ties his and Anita's bond together, while Vittoro, the vampire who is serial killing across nation with his band of crazies is still at large. JC has also gained some new vampires, Wicked and Truth and more who are tired of Vittoro's murderous ways, want to come on board.

- Mon

Fang Rating VVV

Friday, December 7, 2012

Finished Incubus Dreams Book 12

The book was filled with details and intimate interaction between Anita and the men in her life.
The adeur has transitioned Anita from a prudish young woman who takes pride  in being celibate to
an almost promiscuous woman. If she does not feed the Adeur then those that belong to her ie. Damian will start to die.  So now she has no choice but to give in and feed the Adeur which mainly means to have crazy mad sex with whom ever is around and willing.  The other aspect of the Aduer is that because it needs to be fed about every 6 hours she can not use the same  people they will not survive all of that loving.  She can literally love a person to death.  In book 11 Anita has accidentally formed another triumvirate between herself, Nathaniel, and Damian.  Nathaniel becomes a little more assertive because he wants to actually have a full relationship with Anita a not just be he Pomedesang.  Michah is still around him and his larger than life better have.   In this book JC, Anita, and Richard finally become a triumvirate.  Although I was excited that Richard came back into the picture, it was not what I would have hoped for, then again I am a romantic at heart.  There is a crime to be solved and vampires to be executed.  Anita continues to battle with herself she doubts that she can continue to help the police and is learning how to let go somewhat.  She is realising that she does not have to fix every problem, cause when one evil person is demolished another comes in to take there place.  With in the series we see Anita experience personal growth,  she begins to go out of her comfort zone for the people in her life she loves.
Fang Rating: V V V V

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Finished VH 9 Obsidian Butterfly

We are working our way through Anita but I have to say this was one of the hardest books for us to get through. In this book Anita travels to New Mexico to meet up with Edward who has requested her presence to help solve a gruesome monster killing. This is the work of one of the worst serial killers Anita has ever dealt with and it makes her realize that this kind of work is really starting to effect her. She becomes more emotional dealing with the victims and decides that after this she definitely needs a vacation. We got to see Edward's soft side and learn more about the elusive Edward which was interesting at first but them became boring after a while. There was no action what so ever in this book except for her memorable experience with Bernardo which took place in front of a bar full of people... In spite of all of the twists and turns and bloody details I could have lived without, this was an important book in the series for a few reasons. One is that she gained new power from dealing with the Obsidian Butterfly, the Master Vamp of New Mexico who set Anita up in a way to take care of the serial killer who was raining in on the her parade. Anita also meet Olaf in this book, who I think will show up again and who is a definite threat to her safety. And lastly, she realized that she needed a break and sometime to work on herself. Anita taking time out just for her was a big realization that she couldn't "handle" it all.

Fang Rating VV

- Mon

Breaking Dawn Part 2 Countdown!

Let's get it excitied chicas!!!!
Get your tickets now !

Trailer # 2

There is also apparently a screening for all the movies too!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Finished Cerulean Sins VH 11!!!!

Well my fellow bloggers' this one was about as good as the one before.  Anita is coming to terms with what she has become.  Anita's character has evolved sins we first met her, she used to be the executioner and she also raised Zombies.  Now she is that and much more, JC human servant, she is in a triumvirate with JC and Richard, she is a necromancer, she is Nimir-ra to the were leopards and she is the enforcer for the wolf pack.  Those are many titles to toggle among.  Each title comes with its own share of issues and Anita is trying to adapt to them all.  In book 11 we see the adeur and how much it controls her life.  She has piratically had to through out the old moral code book and start another.  Remember the vowel of celibacy she had made with herself long ago we'll she has had to forgo that as well.  because of the adeur she has sleeps with JC, Micha, and Nathaniel on a daily basis.  However in this book she adds Jason, and Asher to the growing list on conquest.  Anita is having a hard time accepting the adeur and all that comes with it (mostly promiscuit sex).  They have a dangerous encounter with other vamps and Belle Morte tries to mark her to make her into her human servant.  Dolph is losing his mind because his son has married a vampire and she wants to turn him into one because she doesn't want him to get older than 25.  As if her personal life wasn't crazy enough there is a powerful shape shifter mutilating woman.  There is lots of action and excitement and some surprising situations. Over all it was a good story but a little to crowded with side stories for me.  I personally like to be given 1 or 2 problems read about then dissect them completely solve then and the move on to the next.  Its hard to keep up when the story line changes from one sentence to the other.  Yes it comes together at the end but its like having lots of small incomplete stories simultaneously, that when never get the complete version to.
Fang Rating: VVV

Friday, October 19, 2012

Final Sookie Book Cover!

She is in the sun but it is setting! What does it all mean??? Alcide, Sam and Quin are with her...who are the bats? Eric, Bill and Pam? Lord have mercy this better be good!

Finished VH 10 Narcussus in Chains...

This book was very interesting because it introduced us to some new characters.  It is also the point of no return for Anita.  Up until now she has been teetering back and forth with the question of whether or not she is comfortable with the monsters in her life and the fact that through the marks and her necromancy she herself is some kind of a monster.  For Anita the fact that she is a devout Christian is some what of a dilemma.
She fears that God would not approve of her actions and association with all the monsters.  Throughout the book she mentions several revelations in which God has let her know that she is still good with him.  That is all the reaffirmation she needs to allow herself to be what she really wants to be.  Her relationship with JC is stronger because JC has always accepted her for what she is.  Richard how ever proves to be a different situation all together.  And we also see a new character by the name of Micha,  he is a were leopard and Nimir-Raj to the leopards we'll have to see what that means to Anita, she is the Nimir-ra to the were leopards.  The book was a good turning point and I look forward to reading the rest of them.
Fang Rating: VVVV
Carol & Mon-

Friday, September 14, 2012

Finished Vampire Hunter 8 Blue Moon

It was great to reacquaint my self with all the characters from the Vampire Hunter Series,  Anita and JC only interact briefly at the beginning.  On that note if your a fan of Richard you will love this book.  Finally Anita and Richard resolve some of there pending issues.  We see her relationships with other characters more clearly.  What she feels towards Asher, Damian, Nathaniel, and Jason.  Raina's minum threatens to take over Anita completely and for this book that is her inner struggle to not allow Raina to take over.  Her minum is very power and necessary because of its healing powers.  Anita has to open her self up to the idea that she loves both JC and Richard.  All though the idea of being with both is unthinkable she must be honest with herself that is what she desire the most.  She desires both men.  Damian also reveals what JC gets out of the marks and how the strength of the Triumvirate grows with sex and pleasure.  Both Richard and JC new of the possibilities that there powers would increase but they did not confide in her.  I liked the interaction and communication among the characters and I feel that I actually know them all a little better.  I'm excited to read on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fang Rating VVVVV

New blog and new release!

Just found a great new site! and with it some very exciting news! Rapture, Fallen Angels book 4 is coming out September 25! Wooo hooo! Love finding a new site to support our addiction!

Finished VH 8, Blue Moon!

Talk about some twists!!! What a great book to get us back in the VH action! Carol and I had to take a break from Anita because she was emasulating JC and we needed a break from the nikes and midrifts and days that last forever but alas we needed fang and we heard good sex was on the horizon so we jumped back to find out what our favorite latina vampire hunter was getting into! So that brings us to Blue Moon which I must say is one of my favorites so far, excpet for the ending but I am used to that :) In this book Anita goes to Tennesse to rescue Richard from jail and the evils that are after him there. There is a lot of the pack in this book, hence the title maybe. I like all of the pack information and the flow of this book, I liked it a lot more than I thought I would since JC is hardly not in it. Spoiler Alert, Richard and her finally do the deed and he BRINGS it! I love the way it happens too...but most of all I loved how there was a lot of development of the relationships amongst the characters, we got to know Asher better, Damian, Nathianel, Cherry, Jason, etc. I like the werelopeards more than the pack stuff. At the end of this book Anita is at a new pleatu, she has learned a lot about herself and is more powerful than ever....what will she do with it? That is why we must go on!

PS I like Asher !

Fang Rating VVVVV

- Mon

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Big E you are not forgotten!

As we are now in our current Anita Blake world, feeling all the other beautiful supernatural men like Jean-Claude, Richard, Nathianiel, Asher, and the list goes on, I had to give a shout out to the our first love...

And last but not least, taken from his facebook page, young, hot and wearing a beanie!

True Blood Twins!

Anna Paquin and Stephen Moyer Welcome Babies

WHCD, Anna Paquin, Stephen MoyerStephen Lovekin/Getty images
Anna Paquin and Stephen Moyer are now the proud parents of not one, but two little bundles of joy.
Moyer's rep confirms to E! News that the True Blood twosome "recently welcomed their twins into the world."
"The babies were born a few weeks early, but are in good health and both Mom and Dad are overjoyed," the rep said in a statement.
Pregnant Paquin proudly posed at True Blood premiere
The couple, who tied the knot in August 2010, declined to release any futher details at this point, so we will have to wait to know the tykes' names, gender, birthdate or vital statistics.
While these are Paquin's first, the new arrivals are Moyer's third and fourth children. He has a son, Billy, and a daughter, Lilac, from previous relationships.

Pics of Anna prego! Now with Sam up and front, could this reality become fantasy for Sookie? Cute boots!


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Monkingjay book 3

After living in Panem for a few weeks its hard to say good bye.  The Mockingjay book has lots of twist and turns most of them unexpected which made reading all the more exciting.  Katniss is ever the heroine, she is put in this position bye sheer coincidence.  She was not looking to become the face of rebellion and the embodiment of hope to so many others.  But because of her genuine whole hearted she became just that, the symbol to freedom and strength.  How ever those attributes did not come without a high price.  The price was having to give up almost everyone she loved and fought for.  Katniss Everdeen learned first hand that things are not always what they seem to be.  The most surprising part of the entire story told thru out the three books is that the victors of The Hunger Games were not free or lucky to have survived.  Those that had been able to survive the games were worse off to a certain extant than those who had died while in the games.  It was evident when the Quarter Quell required victors to play once again.  Snow was an evil tyrant and did all in his power to make all victors regret there victories.  Haymicth was also a victim of the capital everyone he loved had been killed within 2 weeks of his victory,  Finnick was offered to people from the capital for sexual favors,  and others suffered the same fate.  Gale is whom I thought of as Katniss' true love but all the circumstances  surrounding the the rebellion and the aftermath of the Hunger Game proofed to be too much of an obstacle for there young love.  The rebels prevailed at the end but Prim was killed during the final battle.  Katniss lost all will to live she could not even find her words.  The very last act as Mockingjay she was to kill Snow.  In a final act of defiance she kills Coin.  Coin was the reason Prim died and all the Innocent children, she even suggested they have a final Hunger Game but with the children from the Capital.  The knew President is  Payton whom herself was a victor for district 8.  Haymicth and Katniss go back to district 12 with a few others that have gone to start rebuilding the district.  Peeta does return as well, they marry and have there own children after many years.  The ending made perfect sense, but it was also the aftermath of so much destruction.  The books were great and I'm glad I read them I am happy the people of Panem have there new beginning to rebuild there life's.
Fang Rating VVVV

Monday, August 27, 2012

Finished Mockingjay! 3rd Hunger Games book!

What a relief!!! I feel like I have given birth! Not really...Spoiler alert! Katniss kills Coin instead of Snow and she ends up with PETTA! Guess it all makes sense in the end, but I feel like I had to experience tons of trauma to get to this point! This book was great, just like the whole series. I loved the ending, it made sense. My favorite line is by Petta, "You love me, real or unreal?" There were tons of twists and turns, it really kept me reading and enthralled but I was also a little tired out by it all! lol! I think book 2 was my favorite of them all. A very intense series of books but ones I will never forget! Beautiful Katniss got annoying towards the end but I guess all independent smart women are at times. These books were amazing and I never read anything like them...glad I finally know the ending and hope Katniss and Peeta's children live happily ever after!

Fang Rating  VVVVV

- Mon

True Blood Season 5 Finale!!!

It's hard to believe that Season 5 is finished.  If you are a Trubie then that comes as no surprise.  For all those loyal fans then you also know that in the world of Sookie everything can go to hell in one hour and it did!  Big E "Eric" saved Sookie and finally got the ultimate revenge when he gave Russell Edgington his true death, I'm not gonna Lie to  you Eric is sexy when he is being menacing.  Bill is a religious Nut and Eric is wonderful.  Andy is now a father to 4 fairies, who would have thought.   After giving birth Maurella tells Andy its the fathers job to raise them peace out.  Holly responds by tellling Andy he's an A.. hole.  Eric asked Sookie to help him save Bill from himself but it doesn't work because Bill drinks all of Lilliths blood dies and returns asthe new Lillith I like to think of him as Billith.  Sam and Luna figure out a way to rescue Emma.  Luna shifts into Steve Newman and Sam into a fly.  For shifters turning into a human is very dangerous.  Sam the fly is swallowed by the counsel woman, then he turns human again consequently killing her  from the in side out (that was cool).  Jason is on a mission to kill as many Vamps as possible.  Eric along with Nora (the sister), Sookie, Jason, and Tara rescue Pam and Jessica.  Jessica declares her love for Jason, he responds by telling her he could never love a Vamp..  And Tara makes out with Pam.  This was and action packed hour.... last but not least Alcide is now the new Pack Master.

Favorite One Liners for the Night:
If I want to be a fool, then I will be a fool. It's my God-given right as an American." --Jason

"She's a waitress. A waitress who's saved my life more than once and whose fear vibe very graciously brought me here tonight allowing me to settle an ancient debt. Thank you for that, by the way." --Eric

"Must all roads lead to f------ Sookie?" --Pam

You gotta love it!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Allow me to introduce Billith...

Friday, August 17, 2012

Awesome!! Catching Fire Book 2

The title for this book totally says it all. The book was on fire from the beginning.  Every page read is a page of new discoveries and unraveling chain of events that I did not see coming.  It starts off right were The Hunger Games left off, witch in my book is a definite plus.  The characters become stronger and more meaningful to the reader and the main idea is without a doubt genius.  Katniss and Peeta are now Victors and live on victors lane with Haymitch.  The bond that develops is as strong as blood and the idea that the districts could be free from the Capital is hopeful.  A renewed sense of hope has been born but at the same time a sense that the end of all they know is also near.  I was excited to see what would happen next that I could barely but the book down.  On tho the 3rd book, I'm totally looking forward to it.
Fang Rating- V V V V V

Hunger Games Pics - just cause we're feeling it!

Read The Hunger Games!!

Well let me start by saying that I was never really sure I would read The Hunger Games and enjoy it.
But I must say that I enjoyed it a lot.  I first saw the movie and though WOW that was great I really need to read them now because I need to know what happened next.  So I read the Hunger games and it was like watching the movie for a 2nd time with a Little more behind the seen information.  livining in Panem was great I could feel the love toward some characters grow inside of me.  I could also feel the hate for President Snow grow in me as well .  I often tried to make comparisons with the world of Panem and the world we live in.  I must say that if you have not read The Hunger games you should because I think you will enjoy it and even read the book to follow.  Off I go to read book 2.
Fang rating- VVVVV

Finished Catching Fire!

If I thought the last book was a fast read, this book blew it out of the water! Literally, lol! What a fantastic book, I couldn't put it down. What I love about these books besides how smart and adventurous they are is how much they are Woman Power!!!! This is the second book in the Hunger Games series and if you were not hooked after the first, this one really hooks you. I liked it better than the first because the "game" and the characters we were introduced to in the first, we got to know and love even more! I love Haymitch and Cinna especially after this book and I can't wait to see how the series ends! I had so many favorite parts in this book but the one that stands out in my mind is when Katniss wedding dress lights on fire and turns into a Mockingjay! It was surprising and perfect and I remember thinking, I love this book! A must read, I will be trying to convince all now to read it!

Fang Rating VVVVV

- Mon

Monday, August 13, 2012

Fnished Book 1 Hunger Games

What a great breath of fresh air this book was! It had it all, adventure, MAGIC, great characters and even a little bit of romance, maybe a little lacking in the lust department but I was so preoccupied with the what was going to happen next that I hardly noticed. I was really happy with the end of the Hunger Games, I love the berry bit and was really happy with the outcome. Even though, her defiance was a perfect set up for book 2 and the fact that there really is no freedom and she can never truly win as long as the Capitol and President Snow are in power. Great ending, great segway, it was smart, at times funny and will she choose Peeta or Gale? Will we ever find out? Going into book 2 things are just getting deeper and no final decision is made on her part about the boys into book 3, so I am thinking one will have to die and fate will choose who for her, unless she goes...whatever the case, I will find out soon enough! This was a great book, a fast read and I can't wait to see the movie! Having Haymatch as Woody Harleson and Leny as Cinna is so fab to have in mind as I read. Fun stuff!

Fang Rating VVVVV

Sunday, August 5, 2012

We still love Big E!

Carol and I are still dedicated fans of Big E! We have been a little slack reporting our thoughts on the episodes of season 5 but we are content to be in Bon Temps in the last episodes to come. I still have my red wine ritual during the opening song! We have been waiting all year for season 5 of TB and now that we are in the thick of it we are a little concerned on the path it is currently taking. Sooo many changes from the book is disconcerning! Claude being skinny and ugly, Tara getting changed and still being annoying, and the Authority being wack jack but most of all, where is the love between Sookie and her vampires? Bill's character after last show, is there any going back? One cool thing about the direction it is taking is the similarities between the series and the Vampire Hunter series by Laurell K. Hamilton, her and Charlaine collaborate some and we have seen a couple of her ideas used in the True Blood series. For instance the Authority is a lot like Hamilton's Vampire Council and the whole eating of the wolf thing after they die. We are still faithfull viewers hoping for a little more love between Big E and Sookie before its all over!

Finished 3rd Fallen Angels, Envy!

Envy was the third book in J.R. Ward's series of Fallen Angels. The soul up for grab in this book was Vech, a man whose father was a serial killer and whose love interest is Reilly. I really enjoyed this book, it was a big game changer for the series and you totally  can tell the author is also getting into the series building the characters with lots of twists and turns! Spoiler alert, Eddie is no longer and Jim won! Good 2, Evil 1.  The author ends this book with a set up for the next, we already know the soul is question is Matthis, which is interesting since he is already in hell..we shall see, def reading book 4 when it comes out...will Jim or Adrian ever get with anyone? How long can Ms. Ward hold off?

Fang Rating VVVV

- Mon

Thursday, July 26, 2012

El Fin!!! Fifty Shades Freed Book III

Well fellow blogger / and Fangers I'm  done with the third book in the Fifty Shades of Grey Trilogy.
I really enjoyed reading them.  They did not have Fangs but they did have lots of other and risky topics that put you on the edge waiting to see waht happens next.  A lot has changed between the first encounter Ana and Christian had in his office that day she interviewed him.  Why is it that some girls always go for the dangerous bad boy.  Good Boys are Dull and bad boys are Fun.  Ana does enjoy all of Christians Fifty Shades, and most of all those life affirming moments only he can make her live.  While reading these book I experienced anxiety, excitement, worry, and happiness along with the characters, there were times I just did not know what to think or expect.  The books are extremely erotic and there fore not for the shy.... but if you are willing to unleash your wild side momentarily while you read these books I am sure you will find them enjoyable.  the book ended well in my opinion and I will miss these characters as I am no longer in there world.  Mr and Mrs Grey til we meet again perhaps on the Big Screen the Film Debut....
Fang Rating VVVVV

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Finished Fifty Shades Darker II

 At the end of Fifty Shades of Grey Ana, leaves Christian she decides that his dark side is too dark and she cannot deal with it.  So logically I my thought was where is this going..... I must read on.  And so I embark on my quest to get more..... and start reading Fifty Shades Darker Book II.We'll this book is the actual beginning of there love.  Obviously we know that there is a lot that they have to work out.  Especially the fact that he wants to punish her.  Yet when Ana decided to leave Christian realised that he would do what ever he needed to do to keep her.  And so the development of the new proposal was born. We meet the evil Mrs. Robinson and her true intentions are revealed.  Fifty Shades of F*** upness is changing and experiencing things he may not have thought as possible.  I must admit I did enjoy this book although missing the fangs,  I temporarily traded them in for silver balls, flogger's, handcuffs, and the Red Room of Pain!!!!!  I think over all the book is worth reading and am honestly looking forward to the big screen reveal  of Mr. Grey.  Keep reading and Keep Still or he will spank you!
Fang Rating: VVVV

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Finished Fifty Shades Freed!

Yes, I finished Fifty Shades Freed! And now I feel as if I have also been freed of this book! I should start off by saying that I enjoyed the books, they are a fun fast read that make you think but at the same time I was ready for the story to be over.  There were many suprises and I definetly like the middle part of this book the best, for me it was slow going in the beginnning, really picked up with a lot of great twists I didn't see coming but then it sort of went stale again for me. The final sex scenes were good but the ending, the last line " I love you, I love you too", I thought could have been more creative. Glad I know what all the hype was about and glad Mr. Grey is Freed! As a friend said, will Mia and Ethan be next?

- Mon
Fang Rating VVVV

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Finished Fifty Shades Darker

In my opinion, although it was a fast read, Fifty Shades Darker was just a lot of the same of Fifty Shades of Grey and not a good way. I could deal with the author's somewhat bad writing through the first book because I was intrigued and the sex was good but now I am kind of tired of reading it.... I must admit once you start it is hard to put down but I was much less motivated to pick the book up! Yes, we delve deeper and Fifty has peeled off many layers I wasn't expecting to see but I feel like besides the sex scenes the action and plots could be better. I must say I liked it enough to continue on and finish the series, I didn't see him buying a house for her, or that Mrs. Robinson still wanted him so badly and really was such a bitch! Those were twists I really liked about the book and that had me going. I finally found a pic of Christain that lives up to the standards my imagination had for him. Marchin on to the third book, hope its not too long!

Monday, July 2, 2012

TB Episode 504

Episode 4 of Season 5 is one of my most favorite episodes so far!!! Was that Hooligans???? I was wondering if our loveable strip club from the books, where Claude manages was going to make its appereance! I love watching the series because I still am on edge since it doesn't follow the book in most cases but am so delighted when I see trappings of the book dispersed throughout! Tara has gotten a hold of herself so far, Thank God, and is under Pam's wing, I hope it says that way. The Authority got its fish, the kid vampire and Lafayette is possesed! Love that spin and can't wait to see where it goes. Sam's friends end up dead? And Terry got himself in a stupid mess, guess that buddy of his was right afterall. Everyone in town looks down on Sookie for helping to turn Tara and she can hear all of it! Was totally feeling for Sookie at that moment BUT then Alcide is now under her spell and I just LOVED Bill and Eric watching her making out with Alcide! Juicy times and more drama is yet to come! The most moving piece of all for me was of course, Big E releasing Pam! How sad. During thier whole moment, I was thinking, I hope Tara is not really sleeping and hearing this so she can see how good they really are....I also think it was more emotional for me because having read the books, I feel like I have much more background on Pam and Eric's relationship. I can't imagine watching the series without reading the books. It seems like they are going to delve deeper into the fairy pot and I can't wait to see what they are going to do with that. Can't wait until next Sunday! TB's got me wishing my weeks away!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Finished Fifty Shades of Grey!

OMFG! Good thing Carol did a great recap on the basic storyline of the book but I don't know if I am up for it after just finishing this! Too soon! I was open but also with slightly low expectations as I read this book, knowing that my cousin said that the author's writng sucked and the "inner goddess" got on her nerves. Well, I throughly enjoyed the book, had to start on the next right away and am definetly emotionally hooked!!! So much so that it even got a little weird at times because, like Carol said, because the book is soo descriptive you feel like you are having these experiences right along with Christain and Anasatia...I love the names in this book by the way! I can definetly see the similarities with Twilight and see how the author got inspired by the Twilight series, the old car with problems, the erratic loveable mother, Ana's innocence, him telling her to eat all the time, etc. Suprisingly there is also some very insightful relationship advice sprinkled throughout the book. For example, I love when Ana's mom says, " You see, Ana, men think that anything that comes out of a woman’s mouth is a prob­lem to be solved. Not some vague idea that we’d like to kick around and talk about for a while and then forget. Men prefer action.” Very true indeed! So I would say YES, the book does live up to the hype, be prepared to feel weird and swept away!

Fang Rating VVVV
- Mon

Monday, June 25, 2012

True Blood 502

Sunday nights have become quite thrilling at my house that's for sure.  I anxiously await to see what will happen next.  The 1st episode was full of action and so this one is a little slower but still  maintain the ability to captivate Me completely.  Tara is now a Vampire and she does not appreciate the fact and has Vowed to never forgive Sookie and Lafayette for this.  Bill and the One and only Big E are being held captive by the authority.  They are being held and questioned.  During the interrogation the administration gets rough buy administering an IV drip of a silver solution.  Though I'm sure it is pain full for them , they look very sexy and strong, they do not give away any self incriminating information.  Bill comes up with a great idea on how to get them both free by offering up Russell and admitting that they did not kill him.  Sookie has not even realised that both Eric and Bill have gone missing.  And the funniest part of the evening is when Newton comes to Jessica and offers to pay her 10,000.00 $$$$ for Jason.  She bargains it up to 20,000.00 by describing Jason's delectable butt.  Only to them tell him NO I do not sell my Friends.

Looking foward to the next episode....

Fifty Shades of Grey!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is lots of hype about this book.  I must be up front and warm everyone that this is not about Vampires but it is very alluring.  The book is being referred by some as Mommy Porn.  Thus I decided to check it out lord knows I have read several risky and provocative books here recently.  That is how my love of Mr Grey began,  some would say curiosity killed the cat.  I simply loved reading this book.  It was fully of sexual tension, passion desire for the not allowed.  It is dark yet sexy and it makes a girl wonder how much she would be willing to do for the Man that makes her heart skip several beats.  Christian Grey is definitely a bad boy who is extremely rich and powerful.  Seattle's most eligible Bachelor.  Yet he has an extremely dark side, he enjoys BDMS relationships he is the Dominant and he only wants Submissive.  When he meets Anastasia she is 21 years old and still a virigin.  He plans on making her his next Sub.  And this I must say is a concept most people have heard about but really don't know much about.  The book is so descriptive that I often felt shy about reading it.  It was as if I was reading it with one eye shut so I could not see the full picture.  The writer does an excellent job of making you feel as if your were right there with Christan and Ana.  At times I felt like my thoughts mirrored the inner goddess.  Yes I must admit it was just like what Christian said to Ana I will Punish you and F*** you Hard and you will like it and ask for more.  Strong words from a strong character great reading.  R rating for adults only.  I think all women should give into there inner goddess and read Fifty Shades of Grey you will not be disappointed.
Fang Rating VVVVV

Monday, June 18, 2012

TB Episode 502

This episode was def a little lame compared to the last one but I think it is setting up for a great one next week. Tara has turned and is out of control, I am glad she declared at the end that she will never forgive them because for a while I didn't know if she remembered anything from her previous life and was full savage! The dynamic duo are continuing to get themselves out of tough situations and I liked the introduction to the authority members! Cruel punishment and Mr. SUV was surprisingly very good. I think I am liking him in this role. I always love Steve Newland, dancing into Jessica's party was a classic that made me smile. Not too many laugh out loud moments for me but I did smirk at Big E constant smart ass remarks. Of course, I loved him saving Pam and looking forward to getting deeper into their relationship. Where is the whole Alcide thing going? We don't know, I heard him asking about Debbie next episode so we will see how Sookie gets out of this one. And last but not least, one of my fav new characters is Emma's grandma! Classy chic!

                  BTW,  For all your Vampire Hunter fans, this is how I picture Anita Blake! Liking her!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Finished BDB Lover Reborn

Lover Reborn is the 10th book in one our favorite series here at Fanging On, Black Dagger Brotherhood and it does not disappoint! I wasn't too hot of book 9 so I didn't want to get my hopes up but this definitely delivered. It is about our beloved, Thor, whose love interest, spoiler alert, is No'One, Xhex's mama! If you have read the other books, with that plot alone you know that it will be way juicy! Thor is struggling to get on with his life after losing his shellan, Weslie, and in the end all become reborn. Perfect title, perfect ending, as are most of her books. I loved this book because we got to revisit other characters from the other books, John, one of my favs, and we got more from a angel named Lassiter. She leads this wide open for so many more books to come. What will happen with Quinn, Layla and Xcor, I am already really diggin Xcor, as I have a big sore spot for rough necks! Holla! This book was tons of fun, and the author always surprises me and makes me cry. I remember crying at the end of the first book in her series with King Wrath and I did it again in this one. I like how the author is realistic about the difficulties of life and love in a fantasy setting and fangs, biting and more fangs! I want Xcor!

Fang Rating VVVVV
- Mon

Monday, June 11, 2012

"I am not leaving you"

Favorite stills from Season 5, Episode 1

True Blood Season 5 Episode 1!@!!

It was well worth the wait.  The season 5 started out with a Bang!!!  One hour is all it took to answer the cliffhanger question yet create new ones. No Tara is not Dead! I loved the fact that Lafayette asked Pam to turn Tara!! ( that was totally unexpected).  We all know that she we hates vampires.  Favorite line of  the Night was Pam's.... (I'm wearing a Wal-Mart sweat suit as if that's not enough of a team player....LOL  you have got to love Pam!!  Big E is Hot and off the chain and that is one wild incestuous relationship with his "sister" .  Bill was great too he looked sexy and has gone into hiding with Big E.  Jason was the funniest of the Night.  Russell escaped his concrete grave and is now with the walking. Gosh the writers for the show do such a good job at sticking to the original story line but also being creative and adding there own twist which makes the show all the more enjoyable.  If you have not watched the series I suggest you do.  It just adds to the whole Sookie Stackhouse experience.  Looking forward to Sunday nights.  You know its summer when True Blood is on...... to be continued..................................................


Finished BDB Lover Reborn Book 10

Damn that was awesome.  I don't know if that fact that I had not read anything about the brothers may this book ever more appealing but I thoroughly enjoyed it.  Yes I must admit that I could barely but it down.  I zipped right through them.  I was wonderful to meet Thor on an intimate level.  He was one of the first brothers we met but then never really got a good look into his personal life.  But I do think it was well worth the wait.  Thor was tender, loving, harsh, violent, a hard ass and sexy all wrapped all into one.  Definitely one of my favorite BDB.  JR did not disappoint,  the book revisited some of the other brothers and reminded me why I fell in love with the in the first place.  It gave us a little more background on Lassiter.  And left it wide open for "What is coming next", I can not wait for the next one.  And those are all things that made this book very good.
Fang Rating: V V V V

Friday, June 8, 2012

Kristen Stewart graces the July cover of Vanity Fair

Finished Crave, Book 2 Fallen Angels

Crave, Book 2 in the Fallen Angels series, really gets things going! It is a perfect second book which builds up the momentum of the series and adds depth to the characters. Jim, Adrian and Eddie (who I would love a book on) are fighting for the second soul in this book and Devina, although triumphs (spoiler alert) is falling for Jim! I liked this book a lot better than the first one, maybe because the characters we know were built upon and mostly because I loved Issac! One of my favorite all time characters for her....even better beating some of her vamps in BDB. This bad ass southern gentleman brought it home hard and I really liked his love interest as well, the smart attorney, Grier. The third sex scene in the wine cellar was off the chain, but I must admit my favorite part was at the end when Jim grabbed himself to entice Devina! I did not see that coming and glad finally Jim showed a little bit of his sexuality which has been put on the back burner since the beginning of the first book. For me the book dragged a little at the end, it was almost like the author was sure how to peice the ending all together but I love how this author, for the most part, always gives you a happy ending. There were a lot of twists and turns in this book and for me it was a great fast read, so looking forward to the next book.

Fang Rating VVVVV

Finished Deadlocked 12!!!!

Yikes!!!!  That was a great book, if you are a fan of the Sookie Stackhouse series then you will like this one as well.  If you continue to read forward and have not yet read book 12 then be advised their may be some spoiler.....  Where do I begin? The book started off right on cue.  There were lots of developments.  But there are still some major questions that were left unanswered.  Like what will be the consequence of killing Victor?  Will Eric marry Freyda?  Sookie did use the Cluviel Dor to save Sam's life....this I think is my Favorite!! book from the series because everything happened quite fast and we really do not know where Charlaine is going from here on out.  Eric loves Sookie and is married to her but engaged to Freyda who is a Queen and can give him lots of power.  Bill loves Sookie and is always there to offer advice and company as well.  He always knows the right thing to say and even proclaims to love Sookie more that Eric.  Sam is a long time friend, one of Sookie's best friends and she even uses the Cluviel Dor to save his life.  I completely loved this book and look forward to the next and final book of the series.

Fang Rating; VVVVV
- Carol

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Maker's Day June 10!

                    For more info on Maker's Day check out


Sunday, May 27, 2012

Finished Deadlocked, Sookie 12!

Wow, I am stunned..............I am glad that she cut us so short in Sookie 11, Dead Reckoning, that I was prepared for an uprut ending (also thanks to Carol). Just to recap, in Sookie 11, Sookie is living with Claude and Dermont and she summons them to help her clean out her attic, which she does. In one of the pieces of old furiture, she comes a across a letter from her Gran and magic faery charm, the cluviel dor! She finds out more about her faery history and that Mr. Catalidades was her "sponser" gave her telepathy as a birth right gift. Things between her and Eric are going down hill and things with Bill are going up. In Sookie 12, basically the same continues, there was no conclusion in Sookie's love life, actually it is just more up in the air now but you can tell Mrs. Harris is setting us up for the end of the series but several doors being shut. For one, all fae are back in faery, number two, she uses the cluviel dor, Jannalynn is dead and Sam gave Sookie one third ownership of the bar. I loved this book, I think it was perfect and it was full of suprises. I still really don't know who she is going to end up with, I thought she was going to use the cluviel dor in her love life some how but that didn't happen. I definetly didn't see Claude being behind the sceme to get Eric adn I really thought his reasoning for doing so could have been better Mrs. Harris but whatever. It was great to be in the Sookie universe again and I can't wait until next year. I don't know how she is going to tie up so many loose ends that still hang out there in one final book!

I also think it is important to note that since Eric knew she had the cluviel dor, he thought she was keeping things from him just like she thought he was keeping things from her...interesting. Also, he is the only one who didn't give Sookie a bday present!!

Fav quote: The night swelled with magic; not the beneficent kind of love-magic that sweeps couples away, but the kind of magic that rips and tears, the enchantment that creeps out of the woods and pounces.

- Mon
Fang Rating VVVVV

Thursday, May 10, 2012

True Blood Season 5 Promo Pics

Some of my favs that has me wondering what awaits us in Bon Temps this summer!

Anna Paquin on the cover of Fashion's Summer 2012

Anna Paquin strikes a pose in Marc Jacobs on the cover of Fashion‘s Summer 2012 issue, on newsstands May 21.
Here’s what the 29-year-old actress had to share with the Canadian mag:
On her True Blood character, Sookie: “There have always been aspects of her that I connect to, empathize with and understand – that’s the only way I can approach my job. You have to find a common ground with any character. I spend a lot of time with scripts, looking for my truth.”

For full more details

Deadlocked Book Review Below!

Looks like this one is going to be a little rough.......courtsey of my fav site this time of year!! Mon and Carol have the book and our geering up for this momentous occasion!

Finished Fallen Angels 3 ENVY!!!!!!!

Well its been a while since I read 3 books in 2 weeks.  So I think that in itself speaks volumes on whether I enjoyed them or not.  I have to say I do like the way JR Ward writes.  Her style of writing is great and captivating.  I love to read about what happens next.  The Angels in these books are hot.  I wouldn't mind catching up with my guardian angel if he looked like Jim.  Jim is strong and keeps it real.  They are not above throwing in a few curse words to express there emotions.  And he is starting to fight dirty when it  comes to Devina..........Beeeeaachhhhhhh in a blue dress.  In this book the dynamics of the Angels begins to change.  Eddie is the peaceful one and he is the grounded one,  but we see Jim having to step up his game.  He starts to become the leader that he is because he is the Savior  He was chosen as the Savior because he has equal parts good and bad.  In order to Win this battle for all of human kind he may have to tap into that bad side from time to time.   Ultimately he has to out wit the demon.  I loved the love affair with Veck andReilly .  The steamy hot,sexy, romantic scenes leave nothing to the imagination and and are not for the shy.. But they are awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!  I look forward to reading the next book..  I want to read about how that bad ass Angel saves the world........

Fang Rating VVVV

Finished Covet, Fallen Angles 1

Covet was a nice twist on the "Fallen Angles' category which is starting to gain popularity under the "paranormal romance" genre. I am glad I read it, it was nice to have a change and steam things up a little bit! I have fond memories of the Black Dagger Brotherhood series and this is the same author, however so far, I liked the BDB series better. I feel like this book was more written like the last BDB book of Manny, less suprise for me. It was still a fast read and I enjoyed it a lot, shower secenes came back to me, etc, BUT I guess for me, if it doesn't have fangs its got to be really really good for me to get excitied about it. I liked the ending and I am excitied to see what Jim's next venture is and who sleeps with who....and when to Adrian and Eddie go down? All the reasons why I am starting book 2 now, bring it on Crave!

Fang Rating VVV ..........maybe I am just too preocuppied with the Sookie 12 and Season Five TB coming out that I can't concentrate.......I think that is it!

- Mon

Monday, April 30, 2012

Finished Fallen Angels Book 2 Crave

Well if your are a fan of hot steamy romance books about paranormal characters and then add in a twist of mystery.  Then these are definitely the books for you.  I am a fan of JR Ward.  I love the way she writes her no nonsense approach its all raw and invigorating.  Definitely entertaining a great book to read and relax.  just the write combination of mystery with romance.  She is definitely on of my favorite writers .  In this book Crave we see the evolution as Jim as one of the Fallen angels.  He now is immortal and is truly battling that Bitch Devina.  Jim is hot and Devina is falling in love with him  Although she repulses him we'll see how far he is willing to go to save the world.  I think the fact that Devina has a weak spot for Jim might work in her favor .  I can't wait to find out Why they are called Flalen angels.  What is the back groun story on Eddie and Adrian  they both seem HOT!!!! The love story of the book is about Grier a young sexy lawyer and her pro bono client Xop's soldier Issac.  There instant attraction is hot and heavy totally believable. It was one of those books I could not put down,  awesome  read!!!!!!!!!!!

Fang Rating: VVVVV
Carol -

Monday, April 23, 2012

Finished Covet Book 1 Fallen Angels

Loved the book.  JR Ward does not disappoint.  If you are a fan of BDB then you will love The Fallen Angels.  The book is setting up the premises for the ones that will follow.  I loved the fact that she brought in characters we had met in the BDB series.  I have a good feeling about the rest of the books.  I hope she keeps on writing because I love the way she writes.  The main character Jim is awesome and still a mystery. What I already know about hm I like and what is to come I'm sure I will like.  My favorite thing about the book is that the men are manly and although the women are also strong in character they do not emasculate the men.  The chemistry between the two is awesome.  And if you like hot steamy love scenes then this is a must read for you as well.

Fang Rating:  VVVVV

Fnnsih Book 7 Burnt Offerings

In this book we see the development of character we had only met through reference.  We meet Asher
Its very interesting because Richard comes back and has to deal with the fact that Anita and JC are now a couple. 
He also has to deal with the fact that he belongs to the Triumvirate and he is connected to both Anita and JC.
Something for sure he is not thrilled about.  Anita enforces the Lupa status ont he pack and gains a pack of her own the wereleaopards.
All the while she meets with the council and they proof to be her and JC's worst nightmare.  Yet Amongst all the fighting
and nightmarish stuff we get great interactions between JC and Anita.  At the end of the book they prevail but
there is still lots of uanswered questions.  So I guess I will be reading the next book looking forward to it.
They great reads the stories are always interesting there is always a mystery to solve.
Fang Rating:  VVVV

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Finished Burnt Offerings VH Book 7

Well, well, well. Burnt Offerings has officially burnt me out on Ms. Anita Blake. If I would have read this book in the beginning of the series, I would have really enjoyed it. I like the spark between Anita and Nathaniel, and her role as werelepoard mother however, I am getting a bit tired of all the jumping around that happens in the Blake books, this one especially. First we are the council meeting, then we are at the scene of a crime, then we are the fire scene. Like always, it comes together in a great way but since we have been flying through these books I feel like although I think the mysteries are great, I need a break. As Carol put it, Anita (or the writer) tends to emasculate the men as she becomes stronger in the pack than Richard and his beast and just as much of a psychopath as Jean-Claude. Don't get me wrong, I like my heroine's strong, but I like her lovers strong too.

Fang Rating VVVV

- Mon

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Breaking News! HBO just announced that True Blood Season 5 premieres Sunday, June 10 at 9/8c! Got to change that darn countdown clock again!!! Bring it Big E!!!

Monday, April 2, 2012

True Blood Season 5 Premiers in JUNE!

Holy Vamp! They are pushing it up a month! Season 5 Trailer below! For more details check out

Now if your like me I want details on Book 5 again because even though the series strays big time they stay within the format some! I went to and read the review on Sookie 5 and apparently this is the one where the book starts off, I think, with her getting her house burnt down and Jason deals with his new werepather status in which he just changes into a werepather/manther...haha, I made that up, okay, and the mystery is someone is shooting the local shifter population at random in which Calvin Norris gets shot and they suspect Jason. So lots of were and pack stuff and less vamps? We will see...since she combines so much of the other books in the tv series no doubt there will be some fangs too!

Sookie 12 a month away!

Freak Out! Are we soooo excitied or what? Here is a link to our feelings on Sookie 11! Love the cover to Sookie 12! What does it all mean? She is by herself with wolves??? Oh no no no! Where's Big E?

Mon and Carol's Thoughts on Sookie 11!   You can totally tell we were just getting started with this blog thing because there are NO details what so eva! What to do? Should we read 11 again? I have to read 5 agin too! So many books so little time!!!!!!!!!

BTW Chapter 2 is on Charlaine Harris's website!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Breaking Dawn Part II Clip

Watched this this morning and it is not the best recording, totally obvious it was done from someone's phone but hey it is all we got and betta than nothin!


Monday, March 12, 2012

Finished The Killing Dance VH 6

Yes we have it all in this book.  Action, Romance, Suspense, Hot Loving.  What else can a girl ask for.
I must admit that I was beginning to doubt whether or not that author could write a good love scene.  But I take my hat off to her cause it wasn't just good it was awesome... Jean Claude did not disappoint and it was worth the wait.  I'm glad to see that Anita's first love scene was with JC.  This book was great because we ha a lot of dialogue between JC and Anita as well as Richard.  The three become a Triumvirate.  They unite the power of three and are now piratically unstoppable.  I'll be interested in seeing where we go from here.  as the book finished Anita is now JC lover, and I'm not sure if she is dating Richard that was not discussed.  I will be starting book 7 and i am content with what 6 had to offer....Favorite line of the book was
"I have played the mortal for you these many months. I thought in March when you held my naked
body, when you shared blood with me, that it would be a changing point for us. That you would give in to
your desire and admit your feelings for me."

Fang Rating VVVVV

Finished The Killing Dance, VH Book 6

The Killing Dance is a dance we have been waiting and hoping a LONG time for. I think this was my favorite of all the books read sooo far! Book 1 is special but this really spends time more on the relationships among the characters as as pose to spending most of the books time solving a murder! And finally, spoiler alert: JC and Anita hook up like they really should have since the beginning and the author did NOT disappoint! I am so glad our little prude did not hesitant to give it up! Fav line comes from the this scene, JC says in the midst of it all, "My deepest apologies, ma petite, you have almost undone me". Great action and great characters and great twists like always, now I look forward to her curve balls and expecting the unexpected! I liked the trimutive and did not see that coming. So we will see what happens next, I must admit, I am a little hesitant that the author won't bring the good action between Anita and JC because she already gave us so much in this book. However, I have heard otherwise......plowing on!

Fang Rating: VVVVV

- Mon

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Finished Bloddy Bones!!!!!!!!!!!! VH 5

Bloody bones was a good read! The author definitely makes you wait for a little JC and Anita action.
Yet its worth the wait.  In this book we see the introduction of Fey blood and there magical powers.  So far the author has introduced many supernaturals we read about in other books and that makes it interesting.
Anita is still dating both Richard and JC.  How ever we really don't get to go on a date with JC in this book.
After more than 200 pages it gets interesting and let me just say Finally she brings it on!!!!That definitely refueled my enthusiasm for the series.  Anita can be a little annoying constantly threatening to kill JC "Ah Porfavor", we all know that is not likely to happen.  Best part of the book when she thinks JC is dead and she cuts her own vein to bring him back to UNDEAD.  Well Anita girl face it your in love chica, that way we can all start enjoying your hot steamy romance with that Hottie JC.  Poor Richard he is gorgeous and Muy Caliente but her #1 is JC and he knew to begin with.  Don't they always say they can smell the lust.  JC was right when he said he wanted an equal chance to woe her.  That may just be the reality check Anita needs to give up her prudish ways. 

Fang rating:  VVVVV

Friday, March 2, 2012

Finished VH 5 Bloody Bones!

Wow, FINALLY! We are finally getting somewhere and thank God for that! Although this book was slow to get going, almost to the fact that I was losing faith that JC and Anita would ever hook up and it would just be dragged out forever, it finally happened and although they it don't completely hook up Anita allowed herself to act on and show JC a bit, just how sexually attracted to him she was. The dialog and action between JC and Anita were great in this book. I really liked the focus of the fey and the vampires in this one! I prefer that better than the zombie/pack stuff.  I really liked the character of Magus and his story. The author always throws in great curve balls and more unforgettable characters. The ending on this one seemed to be cut a little short but I am getting used to that now and because I know that there are major changes coming up ahead in books 6 and 7 I am soo excitied to continue reading! Book 5 is for sure another major turning point for these books and Anita coming to grips with her perception on the "monsters" and herself.

Fang Rating VVVV

- Mon

Friday, February 24, 2012

Charlaine Harris's FB post yesterday !

I'm working hard on Sookie 13, preparing for Sleuthfest, and looking forward to a calendar that's crowded until mid-May. I've been at home for three months now, so I guess it's time to haul out the suitcase and start my travels.
 Sad stuff, final Sookie book :(           - Mon

Monday, February 20, 2012

Finished VH 4 Lunatic Cafe!

Where do I begin? Well, I can begin by saying that I had high expectations for this book since I read online that JC (Jean-Claude) and Anita start dating in this book.  Just a side note, the author always trips me out with this word “dating” that she always uses. I think it is a little out “dated” but hey, so is the beeper and the VCR…these books were written in the 80’s! So, they do start dating but it came about in a way that I least expected, not so hot and heavy and an engagement from Richard that I did NOT see coming!!! The author always delivers with a great mystery and surprises at every turn which she always bring together beautifully in the end. Although I could have had more of JC in this book, I did like the action with Richard! Esp when he eyes started to change at the full moon! I think this book is very important, like all, to the developing love relationship between Anita and JC. She admits she loves him, he acknowledges JC somewhat as Richard’s equal and I think this whole dating Richard thing will steer her to realizing she is just like JC, a monster. I always love the last line in these books and I think are used to sum up the book, “I had the swan skin mounted in a tasteful frame, behind glass. I hung it in the living room. It matched the couch. Richard doesn't like it. I like it just fine.” This speaks volumes…it will not last with her and Richard, they are too different, she is too ruthless for him! This being said, the motivation too keep reading these books when she always leaves us hanging is starting to affect Mon and Carol so there better be some sexual lovin with JC or we may have to take a break for some action with J. R. Ward's Angels!
Fang Rating: VVVV
-          Mon