Monday, November 18, 2013

Finished Dark Hunter 10!

This book was about the Dark Hunter, Ravyn who was also a Arcadian, or human who could shift into an animal. The same as our old fren Vane was from an earlier book. This was an interesting twist. It kind of merged the Dark-hunter and Were-hunter worlds. This book also had a lot of important information in it about Styker and Ash. I am not sure how it will all play out at this point but I know the background stories in this book will lead up to something. All of Styker's action sort of came to a head and this book really sets up for what is to come with the way it ended. I am soo glad Ravyn was finally accepted by his family and eventually mated with Susan!! I actually liked Susan somewhat...I also liked Cael and that little side story as well!! A dark hunter married to an appolite who turned him in into a daimon in order to save his life, interesting. I think we will see them again!! And last but not least, what made this book a winner was the return of Nick G. and his converting to Stryker's minion to the dark side!!!!! Did not see it coming!!!

Fang Rating VVVv

- Mon

Finished Dark Hunter 9!

This was Wren, the were-tiger's story and his love interest was Maggie, a senator's daughter. I liked Wren and the dreads definitely had me going!! I liked getting into the were-hunter's lives and felt sorry for poor Wren. This book had time travel and Savitar!! We don't know who exactly Savitar is, kinda like the Ash of the were-hunters? Any who, he is a bad ass who likes to surf! This book gave more background into were-hunter politics and the "safe" houses or sanctuary rules which was good to know also because I can apply the info to future books. That is something the author is very good about. I liked this book a lot especially the ending. A lot of twists I didn't see coming and a good read!

Getting better

Fang Rating VVVv

- Mon

Finished Dark Hunter 8

Dark Hunter 8, Sins of the Night, was the story of Danger, a woman dark hunter from the times of the French Revolution and Alexicon. I am getting his name wrong and don't want to go back and look it up but he is Ash's right hand man and was the first Dark Hunter to become a Shade but Ash felt for him and brought him back to life in his realm. He was the reason why the Artemis created the rule about a Dark Hunter being able to win their soul back if a true lover passed her test. Although this gave more insight into Ash's world and Simi's, this was my least favorite couple. The books seemed jumbled and the lack of descriptions on the two main characters had me reaching. A lot of these books tend to send me in this direction but a good sex scene tends to bring me back. It was interesting to see a woman dark hunter and get introduced to some more but I was happy when I finished.

Fang Rating VVV

- Mon

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Finished Dark Hunter 6!

Just a quick note so as not to be forgotten! The 6th book in the Dark Hunter series as we are reading them is Vane!! Vane is a were-hunter who helped out Talon and Sunshine in their book and it ended up killing his sister in the end. This book was very interesting in the fact that it gave us a lot of insight into the weres. How there are two kinds, one that are animals primarily, who can shape shift into humans and then ones that are humans primarily, who can shape shift into animals and that they two species are kind of at war because of it and that both are some how related to Apollities...maybe I will learn more in the upcoming were books to sum it all up. I liked Vane, I liked Bride and her seize 18 big booty, it got a little cheesy at the end for me but hey? What ya gonna do!! Overall I liked this first glimpse into the were world!!

- Mon

Fang Rating VVV

Finished Dark Hunter 7, Seize the Night

Sins of the Night is Valerious and Tabitha's love story and one of my favorites in the whole series! I think I liked this one the best!!! I really like Valerious! I think I am drawn to the Roman look, tall dark and handsome as opposed to the blond Celts, etc. I loved Zarek and I think I liked his bro, Val's story, even more because I could relate to Tabitha and her goth misfit ways more so than Zarek's love interest, Astrid. I really like how you get deeper and deeper into the Dark Hunter saga with each book! Spoiler ***Alerts to follow*** A lot happens in this book which is another reason why it kept me going! Nick dies and becomes a dark hunter? We learn that Ash is a God and that he is Apollymi's son, correct? Still not totally clear on that one...Simi does the deed! I am still confused on the growing different species of Diamons there seems to be, I believe another one was introduced, not Spathis but ones who can't die who serve Apollymi?? There are a lot of Greek names thrown about and a lot of different types of Gods, Apollites, Dark Hunters, Were-Hunters, Diamons and they live in the worlds that begin with a K that I cannot even begin to try and spell so it does get a little confusing. I wish she would just explain them a little better when they are introduced instead of throwing random sentences here and there in battle so you are not sure if you got the correct info and a lot of the names sound alike so that makes it worse! Okay, I used the work a lot a lot of times in this post so I am going to bring it to a close. Short and sweet, absolutely loved the book! loved the lovebirds this go around and LOVED how Zarek gave him his immortality...which I guess Ash set up from the get go...gotta love how this author always brings it full circle in the end. Onward to the weres!

- Mon

Fang Rating VVVV

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Finished Dark Hunter 5, Kiss of the Night!

Wulf, Wulf, Wulf. This was the story about Talon's best friend Wulf and it was a very interesting one because it gave sooo much more information on Apollites, Damions, the Destroyer aka Apollymi (surely I am misspelling her name) and Ash's place in the Dark Hunter world, then we have read so far. We are really getting deep into this saga with this book. Wulf falls in love with the last living heiress of Apollo, Cassandra, one who must live because if she dies, so does Apollo and so does the sun, which translates into the end of the world! Wulf is a Viking and anyone who is not immortal will not remember him after they see or speak to him which adds to the depth of his story, his loneliness and his need for an heir since anyone from his bloodline can remember him as well. Cassandra gets pregnant early on and the plot thickens. This book started out good, had some great background information on the Dark Hunter saga but I feel like the author went on some long winded tangents I could have done without. She jumped around a bit at the end and lost me when it came to Wulf and the trickery of his soul versus Morgannie's, who I always picture as Sunshine's grandma by the way, so that is weird. She lost me a bit there and the ending seemed a little far fetched at times although I really like the fangs coming out at the end. Could have used a better description of Wulf too! It was still a sweet and necessary story but I am ready to move on and learn more about the were-hunters! Bring it on Vane and that big booty hoe! Holla!

Fang Rating VVV
- Monica

Finished Dark Hunter 4, Dance with the Devil

This was our black sheep of the group's story, Zarek, the ex-slave with a real bad attitude! He is my favorite so far. To recap very quickly, Zarek's love interest was one of the Fates, Astrid, who was sent to judge Zarek and decide if he was a heartless animal who deserved to die as Artemis proposes. Astrid is blind and can only see if she is touching her wolf/dog Sasha. I really liked this book. It started off with a very interesting plot. I liked how it took place in Alaska in a snow storm and all of the background information we got on Ash and Artemis relationship and learned more about Apollites, and got introduced to more Dark Hunters, including Jess. I was so happy to see the truth come out about Zarek and that he did not really kill the village he was people he was banished to Fairbanks, Alaska for but that Artemis's pet did. This book was one of my favorites, it was a great ride with a lot of twists and Zarek is one sexy motha!!!

Fang Rating VVVV

Monday, September 16, 2013

Finished Dark Hunter 3, Night Embrace!

This was the third book in the Dark Hunter series, Talon's story. I must give it to the author, she is very creative and I never see a lot of the plots coming! Talon's love interest is Sunshine, Spoiler Alert! his reincarnated wife from his Celt days. This, like her other books, Carol and I decided, starts out with a bang and then kind of slows in the middle. It was a bit of a bumpy ride for me and hard to finish and easy to put down at times. It seems like a lot of banging around. I liked all the new info on Archeon aka Ash, Zarek, my fav so far and all of the other Gods. Artemis is Calamus's sister, whose Dad is who? Then Sytxx is Ash's twin brother and the big hitter, Sunshine's grandma is Morrigan! Never saw that coming. I liked all of the connections and getting a history on this tormented hot family of the Gods. I like the new take on fangs and paranormal romance. Makes me want to watch Thor but like I said some of the stories get a little stale at times. Maybe I just wasn't a big fan of Talon, not enough of an asshole for me! lol! Plus, a girl wants a little build up before we go into the never ending hot and steamy scenes. Onward, next up Zarek and it better be good or I may need to take a rest! All and all, the book was still a nice, fast read and big on character development which is a plus in my book.

- Mon

Fang Rating VVV

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Next Season True Blood Dies!

It is official!! Season 7 will be True Blood's last! Thank Godric! I don't think it can be desecrated any more and who wants to watch without Big E??  For details click on link below!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

The End of: True Blood Season 6....

Well fellow Fangers!  The end of TB season 6 provided us with what was probably the best 3 seconds of the entire season.  Because words can not adequately describe why I'll have to show you.  Enjoy!!

The 411: 5 More Fever Books In The Making!!!

I have great news for all those Karen Marie Moning Fans.  There will be 6 more fever books.  Two of which will complete the Dani trilogy, Iced.  The next Dani book will be Burned and it comes out in March.  Then the other four which will be about Mac, Barron's, Cruce, VLane, Unseelie King and the Concubine, Resuming the Fever Series.   So we have lots to look forward to.


Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Finished Night Pleasures, Dark Hunter 2

What a great second book in this series!! This is the book that really starts up the series! Night Pleasures is Kyrian's story. His love interest is Amanda, Selena's sister. This book really set the stage for the rest of the series. In this book you learn what a Dark Hunter is, how it relates to a vampire and more importantly to ancient Greece and Greek Gods!! A very creative and new twist once again on fangs in the urban fantasy genre. Julian and Grace show up in this book and it ties everything together. It gives a history on the Dark Hunter, introduces some other Dark Hunter who will no doubt be the following books main players and introduces all of Selena's family, their special talents and how their role with the Dark Hunters. This book was another fast read from Mrs. S.K and I liked it better than the first. I like Kyrian better, he is darker and has more of a sense of humor than Julian. I also liked Amanda better than Grace. I am excited about hearing the stories of the other Dark Hunter's mentioned and how they fall in love and regain their souls. This is a great series so far, fast reads, a little cheesy at times so I think it may get a little old after a few more books but we shall see... onward and upward! I hope Talon is next :)

Fang Rating VVVV

Finished Ice: The Beginnig of Ryodan and Dani's story!!

Yes, I am so excited about what is to follow.  I simply loved the book I am a fan hands down of Ryodan and Dani (Mega).  Ryo- says to Dani "are you disappointed or loyal"  and she responds loyal.   Thank you Karen Marie Moning for another awesome story.  I loved the Fever series and now I know I will love the Ice series.  Dani is a 14 year old girl that is a Sidhe-Seer with powers.  She is alone and depends on no one.  Her one true friend is Dancer who is about 19 and a loner as well.  They give each other space which is the key to their relationship they understand each other.  But when Ryodan the owner of Chester's approaches Dani to offer her a job she really is not being asked but told.  Ryodan is one of Barron's men.   He is strong and ruthless and always gets what he wants.  Like Barron's he is also very good looking, and sexy.  He screams sex appeal his attraction has no limits  and the fact that he is extremely dangerous is not much of a deterrent.  Dani tells herself she hates him but really does like him and every time she is around his her hormones go crazy, because she's still a kid she really doesn't understand her feelings.   She is not old enough to have a relationship with Ryodan but we all know that Ryo is very  patient.  I'm a little confused because Ryodan is currently seeing Jo who is another Sidhe-Seers. I wonder who will be Dani's love interest will it be Ryodan, Dancer or Christian.  I am routing for Ryodan!   Ice picked up right where the last fever book left off.  What will happen between Mac and Mega now that Mac has caught up with Dani.  Talk about leaving us Hanging!!!!Gotta Love it.
Fang Rating V V V V V

Friday, August 23, 2013

Dead Ever After… The End of the Sookie Stackhouse Series

I’m Sookie Stackhouse and I belong here.  Famous last words, they are the very last words in this book.

I’m not going to lie and say that I love the ending.  I really believed that Sookie would end up with Big E and that she would somehow become immortal.  But obviously the author had a different ending in mind.  She brought the series completely full circle.  I think back to the first Sookie book and I remember her working at Merlot’s and fantasizing about her Boss and Friend Sam.  Many things happened and both Sookie and Sam dated different people but remained good friends.  Eric was always self-serving and although that is the Eric she always knew and fell in love with at the very end he chose power.  But he also took care of her as best he could without giving up too much.   I would have preferred to see Eric and Sookie live happily ever after But I get why she choose to end the series like this.  If you are a fan of the Sookie books and have read them all then you must read the last one as well.  It will bring closure and help you move on.   Moving on is what I will do, the books have brought me much joy.  They are what inspired Mon and myself to start out blog.  And for that I am grateful.    When Charlene announced this would be the last book in the Sookie series I was said to see the finish.  But with the way it ended I am ready to let them go.  Thank you for providing great entertaining reading throughout the years I will hold all the characters close to my heart.   


Fang Rating:  V V


Feliz Friday!!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Finished Fantasy Lover Dark Hunter 1

Well, well, well, what do we have here? A little steamy action for sure! I read this at the beach and it was a perfect beach book, fun, slightly funny but not really but for me, it is always important that I like the characters and I did! Fast read, good love scenes, what more can a girl ask for? I hope the next book steps it up a bit as I can see where if it is the same thing over and over it could get old. This is just book one and I was really hoping for fangs but instead got a Greek God who was conjured up by a lonely sex therapist, Grace, okay...not what I was expecting! Yes, he even did say in the end that she was his "saving Grace"!!!! So bad! But a fellow reader of the series told me that, Kyrian, a mysterious character from the book who lived in Roman times fighting along side Julian (the Greek God) is a "Dark Hunter" and that they fight were and vamps. I think? Not too worry, I plan on reading on and I will tell! This book definitely stuck to its title and had some plot twists I didn't see coming. I enjoyed the different spin on Urban Fantasy would I call it? by using magic to conjure up Greek Gods. High hopes don't let me down and as this book was a little too light and cheesy for me, hoping to get a little darker and deeper with next one! I am excited to see where this is going and besides, Kyrian sounds really hot! lol! Keeping fanging on is what I'll do!

Fang Rating VVVv

- Mon

Monday, August 5, 2013

Finished Twice Tempted!

I just finied the 2nd Dark Price book by Jeannie Frost, entitled Twice Tempted. Boy is this woman good at writing a love scene! Based on the last book, that fell a little short for me since I am not a huge fan of the author (think she is a bit cheese and lacks a good plot) I didn't think the 2nd book would rivel the first but it did and I was pleasantly suprised! Like I said, she is really good at writing a love scene. This was a great follow up to the first. Spoiler Alert! They get married and she turns into a Vamp! I wasn't expecting that and it helped with the page turning for sure. She cut it off at the end in what tried to be a cliff hanger so I guess more books to this series are on her way. I will def read the next but I was also happier to move on to more emotion! I am always in search of that one that can place me there and make me fall in love! Pillars? We shall see...

Fang Rating VVV

- Mon

Monday, July 29, 2013

Finished ICED, # 1 Dani Series by Karen Marie Moning

There was quite a drought for me after finishing the Fever Series which for me, was by far one of my favorite series of all time!! Right up there with Twilight and Sookie. Full of weirdness, darkness, woman power and love! What more does a gal want? I really like the characters and setting of these books, they keep me anxiously on my toes the whole time and this book, the first installment of the Dani series lived up to all my expectations. It takes place one year AWC - After the Wall Crash in a world overrun by Fae in the epicenter of it all in Dublin. It starts off with Dani 14 and hating life even though she is trying to convince herself that she loves it! She gets forced to work with Ryodan, the owner of Chester's and second in command of Barrons crew of hot wild savages! Ryodan is calculated and a bit different from Barrons but mysterious and strong none the less. It is hard to see a love growing between these two because Dani is still 14!! So this book was great but basically I feel a set up for more books to come. I just hope she grows up fast and by the way the book ended I don't see that happening in the next book. The way this author wrote the Fever Series she picks up, literally, right up from where she left off! For a sum up which will be confusing if you haven't read the Fever series, Dani evades Mac all book until the very end!! All characters are introduced, Roydan and Lor, Lor who I love by the way and want some books on! Jo working for Royden to save Dani ends up falling in love with him and they are a couple..where is this going?? This kind of bothered me and I am thinking Jo will have to die to get out of it. Dancer is beautiful, wicked smart and Dani's fav! Then Christan is back as a Unseelie Prince and is crazy obsessed with Dani. And you can't forget about Cat, the new headmistress who was being haunted by Cruce, who is still iced in the Abbey. All face off on mysterious force that is icing all of Dublin and destroying all in its path. I loved getting into this world again and want more! more! more!!  Then next book is Burned and it comes out in March! Hasta luego! 
Fang Rating VVVVV


Monday, July 8, 2013

Finished Last Sookie: Dead Ever After!

Dead Ever After: The long awaited LAST Sookie book! This book was a short book and a quick read but I must say I was terribly disappointed...and (SPOILER ALERT) not just cause she didn't end up with Big E! Yes, part of the reason I wasn't happy with this book is because she didn't end up with Big E, we have been reading 13 books about the development of this love affair for it to be squashed so easily! What a downer!! If Charlaine Harris knew all along (SPOILER ALERT) that she would end up with Sam then why not work more towards developing that love.. I dunno, for me it just fell flat (including the sex with Sam). It felt too much like the author was trying to end this series she was tired of writing and not write a fabulous page turner of a last book! I remember when I first started reading these books, I was so excited, I loved being in Sookie's head, in her world. I laughed out loud with her! This book and the last couple if I am completely honest, were the same way. Mrs. Harris, did tie up a lot. All the characters were taken care of, Jason was married, Arlene dead, Andy with his wife and baby on the way, Niall in Faery, Tara with her twins, Eric and Bill in thier destined spots, which are fitting of thier characters. It was a great mystery, making Claude responsible at the very end. Always a surprise ending I didn't see coming! I liked Sookie's cooking and dressing up, always my favorite parts of the books. I even enjoyed Bill getting back at Eric...the author tied things up nicely, part of me is glad Sookie will still be in the sun and has a chance to get Prego. I understand that is who Sookie is, I get that part but for me, the way it came about was dull. And don't get me started on the HBO series, which a couple of my friends who are fans of the book aren't even watching now. What was once such wonderful ideas and stories, at times when I went out to get the mail at night I remember I thought I would see Bill or Eric walking down the street. Mrs. Harris combination of the ordinary and extraordinary was what always made these books and characters so special to me! You will be greatly missed Sookie! Long live Sheriff Pam!  

Monday, June 17, 2013

BDB Upcomings Revealed

Found this link while trying to research Book 12, The King, J.R. Ward's next BDB book, it answers a lot!!!! Check it OUT!

Finished Night Prince 1

I was pleasantly suprised by this book as I wasn't a huge fan of this author, Jeaniene Frost's Night Huntress series with Cat and Bones. I think her writing has definetly improved with this batch so far. There are only two so far in this series and the "real" Dracula! Yes, a bit chessy, I want a story about the "real" dracula to be a very dark and voilent, maybe it is the goth in me but if you do Dracula, you better do it right and Jeaniene Frost fell a little short for me :( However, I still really enjoyed the book anyway. The author is a great love scene writer but the action scenes tend to slow me up instead of pick up the pace! I liked the beginning of the book better than the end but the great first hook up was worth it ALL!!! I like the characters, I liked the plot okay, and I really liked the love interests abilities! She left us hanging at the end of the book, she professing her love to him in her head, (he can read her thoughts) and Vlad totally not acknowleding it!! SO one definetly wants to read the next book to find out when and how he admits and professes his love for her, however, I have the last Sookie book and Iced the next in the Fever series to read and I don't care enough to put those aside! Overall, very good! A def improvement from the first Night Huntress book!
Fang Rating VVV
- Mon

Finished BDB 11 Lover At Last!

Finally read the long anticipated Lover At Last, number 11 in the Black Dagger Brotherhood Series! This is one of our favorite series by J.R. Ward and thank goodness she brought it!! The last book in this series, I believe it was Payne's story, I was not that happy with nor her most recent book in the Fallen Angels series about Matthias. But this book definitely delivers! This book is Quinn and Blay's love story and believe me she did not hold out at all with these two warriors hooking up. It was a little hard to picture at times, especially because she describes them soo masculine and rough (as Carol put it, it was like two boulders colliding) but we got through it! I was happy they finally got together since their story has been a long time in the making through the other books. It did get a little cheesy at the end and since Quinn was the one, even as she put it, "crying like a pussy", at the end it was a little much for me to buy into. None the less, this book had awesome back or "developing" story. Assial and Sola; Assial is a ego maniac sexy vamp and Sola, not quite sure what she is, maybe just human? At the end of this book, SPOILER ALERT, Sola is kidnapped! Trez and Selena, Trez has a prearrange marriage he cannot ignore but has fallen for the Chosen Selena. Both him and IAm move into the brotherhood compound which is also a nice twist. And finally, the roughest man on the block yet the most gentle, Mr. Xcor and Layla. This is love story is already setting up to be ultimate Romeo and Juliette and I just love both of their characters. She is pregnant with Quinn's baby and he wants to kill the King! Go from there! Anywho, this was a great book with lots of developing plots for more Brotherhood books! Thanks J.R.!
Fang Rating VVVVV
- Mon

Friday, June 14, 2013

TB Season 6 Trailer!

Finally Summer is officially here, True Blood Season 6 !!

I am gettig totally Psyched about the premiere of TB Season 6 on HBO Sunday June 16, 2013
I have a hot date with a steamy Vampire, I cannot wait to see Big E.... I love Sunday nights during the Summer Months.........
Here's a Pic of Big E at the Premiere.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Finished Edge of Desire Book 3

Edge of Desire was book 3 in the Primal Instincts series. This was Riley's story and finished out the last of the Buchanan siblings. Saige and Quinn were Book 2 which I didn't write a review on but really liked. Book 2 was probably my favorite of this series so far because it had Quinn in it who I spotted from the get go. In this book Riley's love interest was Hope, his old high school sweetheart who he dumped because he had a vision of himself turning into an evil beast, and wanted to protect Hope by giving her a reason to hate him to create distance between them. He has been living with this secret, and SPOILER ALERT was planning on killing himself after his Merrick emerged and he fought the Caus. Well of course, that never happened, reality and perspective always change things and Ian finally came through for his bro a helped him not transform into an evil being but save himself so he could go save Riley when the Caus had her. In this story, we also had the first female Caus, who have green eyes as opposed to the males who have blue. I liked this story but I guess since we had read them all fast and in a row, its creativity was wearing thin. The storyline was different and somewhat interesting, ex. Riley's power, his past with Hope, their geographic location but it was a lot of the same with the lovers, him denying himself to protect her, the girl, horny as hell, trying to get him to get over it and accept that he loved her, etc got a little old in this book. I was like, shut up and quit wining already and get on with it...then I had to read about the "folds" again and was ready for the book to be over. Not a bad book, still a quick read but a lot of the same amongst the books and coming down after Fever, its creativity and majestic appeal didn't quite cut it..Riley and Ian combined couldn't match up to Barrons!!!

Fang Rating VVV
- Mon

Friday, May 17, 2013

Edge of Desire 3

The Edge of Desire is the 2rd book in the Primal Instinct series.  It continues with the story of the Buchanan family and there ancient Merrick coming to a full awakenings. In this book Riley the last of the 3 siblings Merrick is awakening.  So far we've learned that they must fulfill the need for  both blood and intense desire in order to become fully awaken.  Riley broke up with Hope over 13 years ago but has never forgotten her.  Hope has always remembered Riley and still feels the heartache he caused her.  Now that his Merrick is awakening it's Hope he wants.  I thought the book was interesting and easy to read.  I looked forward to joining Riley and Hope on there quest for happiness and there battle with the Casus.  We also learn that the Casus can be females as well,  instead of ice blue eyes there eyes are green.  Big Bro Ian shows up after he had one of his dreams to fight along Riley he brings Shrader along.  Riley discovers his special powers which is the ability to move objects with his mind.  Paige can read objects while Ian dreams of what will be.  Pretty cool family I thought!  And of course we have the Wacthmen which are all extremely hot shifters.  The book is filled with super hot guys, super powers and Fangs what else could we want.  I would recommend this book it's light reading and fun.
Fang Rating V V V V

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Finished the Edge Book 2

 I really enjoyed Saige and Quinn’s story.  In the Edge of Danger we meet the 2ND Buchanan that her Merrick begins awakening.  Saige is an Archaeologist that is stationed in Brazil.   She is the one that found the first Maker and has dedicated her life to learning about the Merrick's.  She unlike Ian believes in the stories her mom once told.  Quinn is sent to Brazil and get her back to the Ravenswing compound before her Merrick awakens.  When Quinn locates her he can sense that her Merrick has begun to awaken and they are almost out of time.   We all learned  from the Ian's story that when the Merrick awakens you must drink blood accompanied with pleasure.  He also comes to find out there is not one but two Casus after her, add an extreme amount of sexual tension to the mix and you have a high voltage situation.  Their story is filled with unforeseen complications but in the end it was all worthwhile.  I enjoyed this book and am looking forward to reading the next book.
Fang Rating V V V V

Friday, May 3, 2013

Vampire Book Clubs May Releases!

How to Kill a Vampire Series....


This was a great article to read while gearing up for the end of our beloved Sookie and Bon Temps Family. It provides insight in Charlaine Harris's life and head, mentioning that some fans call her "the Maker", haha and what it next to come. Based on this article, it seems to allude that Sookie does not end up with Big E...a bridge we will cross we get there. The article also gives an interesting glimpse of the dueling perspectives of the author, fans and money hungry media outlets that a successful book series can create. Good for Mrs. Harris for let her imagination and heart rule out on long as you do the same for Sookie and Eric!

- Mon

Monday, April 29, 2013

Finished Edge of Hunger, Book 1 in Priminal Insticts Series!

Well this is our first novel read by Ryhannon Byrd and I am happily not disappointed. Still morning the loss of Barrons in my life (Fever Series), it had to take a good read to get me out of it. This was a good book, however I was still able to put it down.... Edge of Hunger does not waste any time getting to the action, almost a little too quick at first since I wanted a little development in the characters' relationships before they went at it but that in time that did come and that, for me, is when the book really took off! Don't get me wrong, Byrd can write a great sex scene along with the rest of them, J.R Ward included but the story line or the way she writes just didn't grip me as much. Edge of Hunger opens up the Primal Instincts series introducing, Ian Buchanan, the first in an ancient line of Merrick that are being "awakened" to fight off their enemy the Caus. I guess I would describe the Casus as a man eating demon animal? The Merrick were born to kill the Caus, which have now found a way back from their prison and are trying to take over. You are also introduced to the Watchmen in this book. The Watchmen are a group of shape shifters who watch over all supernatural beings. They have a secret Council in which they serve. This book was a nice setup for the rest of the series, lots of characters to write about whether it be the hot Watchmen or Ian's brother and sister who will in time also "awaken" to the Merrick if the Causus continue their pursuit. Overall, the Primal Instincts series brings something new to the paranormal romances we read which are so often either Vampires, Werewolves, Fallen Angels or Faeries. Bryd has brought us a new "primal animal"....I'm just glad it has fangs!

Fang Rating VVVv

- Mon

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Finished Shadowfever, Book 5!

What a beautiful ending to this magical Irish story! Spoiler alerts to follow! This book started off with Jerechio dead killed by Mac herself when she was slaying his beast. At that point Mac fully accepted her love for Jerechio. To her surprise, he came back to life and with it many more secrets about him were revealed to her. In this book, they both finally professed and consummated their love for one another! What a fabulous ending to this love story and there were twists and turns along the way that had you guessing until the very end who the Unseelie, Seelie King really was. The Unseelie/Seelie King was DEG and V'lane was Cruce and Mac was a "copy" of the book! Everything feel into place at the end. The book absorbed by V'lane who was frozen in time guarded by the sid-seers, Mac froze her "lake" which was really the book, due to Jerechio's insisting. The only thing that was left to be undone was Jereicho's poor son dying for eternity in his mansion basement...but of course, Mac solved that too with the help of a Hunter which also gained her the "right to live" amongst Jerechio's crew. In this book, Jerechio ended up being such a sweetheart underneath the Constant Jackass facade. Barrons and Ms.Lane, a perfect match, a couple I will always remember as one of my favs. "Fire to my ice. Ice to my fever". Love you Mac and Jerechio and loved this series!
- Mon
Fang Rating: VVVVV

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Dream Fever Book 4

Barron's is my dark hero. He saves Mac from the eternal dome of becoming Pri-ya.  The only way to bring someone back from Pri-ya is to constantly full fill the need for sex.  But he also made sure she ate, and recreated her life so that it would jog her memory.  A person who has been turned pri-ya has no memory other than of those that made her.  She only desires physical contact and nothing else.  But when she starts regaining her memory he knows that he is about to lose his rainbow girl.  We get to experience a whole other side of Jerricho Barrons.  One that sings, dances, paints her nails pink, and decorates a christmas tree.  Favorite Quote from Book Pg 194..."I couldn‘t see him, but I knew he was here. I‘m attuned to even the faintest whiff of Jericho Barrons now. I wish I wasn‘t. It makes me remember a time when we danced, and he laughed, and I had no cares in the world but to be … a fine beast. To eat, sleep, and have sex".   The book is emotionally charged and living through all of Mac's experiences has been great.
At the end she is trapped in the silvers, she dials IYD and it works.  A Beast appears that protects only her and kills all others.  Roydan also appears and he must kill the beast to get her out.  In that battle Mac also takes part and stabs the beast with her sword.  The beast finally dies and then begins to turn human.  Mac now knows she has lost it all....................WTF...............................................Can't wait to read more.
Fang Rating V V V V

Images of Shadowfever!

We just started and Carol and I need hope, hope strengthens!

Monday, April 8, 2013

JZB Through My Eyes

Dam How Can Mac Resist!

FaeFever Book 3

Let me start by saying that I absolutely love JZB.  Mac has a hell of a lot of self control I don't know why or how she can resist that!  This book is great because we see Mac evolve and grow.  Not only by increasing her Seelie abilities but by putting herself out more.  She keeps many things from Barron's because she still doesn't trust him.  She doesn't trust VLane or Ro either.  But Barron's is always the one that comes to rescue her, he is her constant.  There is definitely an attraction brewing and it is electric but neither seem to want to admit it or talk about it.  Mac asks Barron's to teach her about voice control.  She wants to be able to take control and override any of LM's voice control.  Fave part of the book was when she buys him a Birthday cake, it has pink and black frosting.  He responds by asking "is the cake for me or you Miss Lane?"  At the end of the book the wall comes down and Barron's is in Scotland trying to help the McKellers and Mac is trying to get to the Abbey.  She doesn't make it to the Abbey because the entire city of Dublin is now a dark zone.  She does get to talk with Dani and finds out that the Orbs had shades in them and that when it was opened during the ritual all the shades came out and invaded the Abbey.  She tells Dani that she did not purposely do that she did not set them up.  The phone Dies there is no reception,  she is left to wonder if Barron's had set her up. Three unseelie Princes who had be in jail are now free and Rape Mac.  OMF!  WTF!
I truly did not see that one coming.  What Now!!!!!!!!!!!
Fang Rating V V V V V

More of JZB!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Blood Fever: Book 2

In Fae fever Mac is becoming more sure of herself.  She feels attracted to Barron's but doesn't really know what to do with those feelings.  Fiona Barron's assistant tries to kill Mac by turning all the lights off and leaving the windows open so that the shades can get Mac.  Vlane comes to save the day but requires she give an hour any hour of his choosing.  Mac know has a sword that kills Fae's one that she a Barron's stole together.  She calls hers self OOP Detective.  Barron's fires Fiona and is hot when he finds out Vlane had saved her life.  While on a hunt for a amulet Vlane appears a demands she go with him, that would her his hour of choosing.  She goes and leave Barron's alone.  When she returns she realises that she had been gone one month.  Barron's is more than pissed off and tries to tattoo her so that in the future he can find her.  She threatens to leave if he does so he offers her a cuff instead.  By the end of the book still she has no information neither would talk about the other.  Malluce who is a Vampire she though she had killed abducts her and nearly kills her by the time Barron's gets to her.  She eats seelie flesh to regain strength and rapid healing and that is how she survives.  For a moment Mac and Barron's have a steamy hot moment where she sees his Tattoo's on his lower abdomen, and thy kiss.  They're interrupted by the Lord Master (LM) who tries to use mind control to take her until Barron's shows himself and tells him she belongs to him.  The LM then retrieves.  Mac wonder who Barron's is when LM is Bad and Barron's is Badder.

Fang Rating:  V V V V V

Dark Fever: Book 1

WOW!  This book is totally captivating with intrigue.  Mac is young and full of life she is what we call a Cali girl.  But her world is turned upside down when her sister is killed in Dublin Ireland. Because the police say they have no leads on the murderer the case has been closed.  That does not settle well with Mac,  Against her parents wishes she embarks on her own quest to find the murderer and Mac him pay.  Revenge is now the energy that fuels her.  She meets a very strong, handsome mystery man named Jerricho Barron's.  He saves her life by giving her shelter and to a certain extent protection.  He does not do it with soft gloves he is all about tough love (well maybe love is not the write word).  Mac learns the world is not what she thought it was.  It is filled with Fae's all bad.  Some called seelies and the other unseelies.  The seelies are the good ones and the unseelies are the bad ones.  Barron's tells her nothing except that she has a gift to detect Fae items and make her valuable.  VLane the prince of the seelies wants the book as well and she is trying to figure out who she is and which of these two men can be trusted.  Up until now she decides she can trust none of them.
Fang Rating: V V V V V

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Constant Jackass?

Finished Faefever!!!!

I am soo taken aback by the ending of this book! Thank God I have the next one to read or I would be extremely mad at the author and send her very scary hate mail for the rest of her life!!!! Are you trying to kill me Karen Morning???? Let me back it up as Mac does and say, besides the ending, this is my favorite book yet! Relationships deepen and become stronger, especially between Jereicho and Mac and tons of new information is uncovered. So much happens, Mac is getting stronger and is learning so much but it is still with an eternal conflict of if she can trust Barrons or not and the odds are not stacked in his favor. She finds out that he does not age and she sees him carrying a bloody dead woman from the Silver Mirror in his office. Mac is soo scared of getting played by him and does not want to fall into her sister's footprints and fall in love with the ultimate bad guy. V'lane tells her the story of the Seelie King and all ways point in the direction of Barrons but that has not crossed Mac's radar yet. I love all the interactions between her and Barrons, which I hoping is foreplay! All builds up to Samhain also known as Halloween when the walls fall and the Unseelie princes consume Mac and bring her to her death and that is where the book ends! The only glimmer of hope is Mac's final message to her readers:
A Note to the Reader

I foreshadowed this moment. And I‟ve foreshadowed what‟s yet to come, but for those of you with flashlights running low on batteries, who feel the Shades closing in, and fear there‟s no hope in sight, consider this:

In Bloodfever Mac says, “Although it may not seem like it, this isn‟t a story about darkness. It‟s about light. Khalil Gibran says Your joy can fill you only as deeply as your sorrow has carved you. If you‟ve never tasted bitterness, sweet is just another pleasant flavor on your tongue. One day I‟m going to hold a lot of joy.”

And she will. That was my promise in her words.
Fang Rating VVVVV

- Mon

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Jericho Barrons! Take your pick!

Finished Bloodfever!

Another amazing book and fast read for me! This was the second installment of the Fever series which definitely takes us one step further into the dark Dublin fae world. A lot happens in this book as Mac continues to get challenged and challenged which I feel she rises to at every occasion. I think the most significant part of this book her capture from Malluce and her and Barrons finally doing the dirty in the down and dirty place that Malluce had her kept! Not the way I would have wanted it but knowing them, and their love/hate relationship I guess it makes sense. Mac also got to say goodbye and heal a little with a strange encounter with Alina thanks to V'lane. New characters like Dina were also introduced and Mac finds out (spoiler alert) that she is adopted thanks to her encounter with Rowena. Hence her Dad visits as well! We also learn about Rowena and her PHI organization of female seers that she runs and the "real" meaning behind the shamrock! My favorite part of the book, and one that screams woman power, is when Mac is leaving Rowena's office and says. " I am no one's puppet, Rowena, not his, not Barrons, not yours". Yes! It is after this Mac realizes she is truly on her own, can trust no one and starts to draw out her board of all the major players in this game and where they fit in. A sad moment for me because I am always routing for Barrons :( So onward it is for me, hoping for love and man, if I get to book 5 and there is none, I will be disappointed. By this stage, I am totally hooked in the dark and hoping for the best.

Fang Rating


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Finished Darkfever!

My new favorite series so far! I am already on Bloodfever, book 2 in this series and absolutely loving it! This is my kind of book, great writing, woman power, great mystery, great magic, sexual tension and great characters! This book has it all and I can't put it down. This book is MacKayla Lane, aka Mac or Ms. Lane, as Barrons calls her, story on how her life got turned upside down while searching for her sister's killer in Dublin. Many things are revealed to her on her search, that Fae exist and that her and her sister were Nulls, special girls that can see and freeze Fae which in this case is extremely important since the Fae, especially one kind, the Unseelie in particular are taking over and killing off the human race. Streets and whole sections of neighborhoods are disappearing...and MacKayla is constantly learning and uncovering secrets about this new dark world and new dark self she lives in. Helping her to navigate and survive in this new danagerous world is Jericho Barrons, a sexy male with special powers of his own that is using Mac's talents to help find Fae relics. She and he are on the search for the Sinsar Dubh and although Jereicho has saved her life, his intentions are very unclear for this Mysterious man with a capital M. Although a great story, this is definitely a intro book, giving the reader, Mac's background, why she is in Dublin, who and what she is fighting for, who the major players are and a basis of info on the Fae world. Since this book ends and Bloodfever begins so smoothly it is hard for me to remember the ending of this book in particular and I don't want to give any spoilers sine I enjoyed this book so much! Thank you Ireland! Thank you Fae! I needed this!

Fang Rating VVVVV

- Mon

Friday, March 22, 2013

Cold as Ice

This book is about Peter Morsen who we when he went to warn Bastain that Chloe was in danger he is also part of the Committee.  He finds himself attracted to Genevieve Spenser.  She is a lawyer for a wealthy firm that would do anything to please there clients.  Peter is dangerous and sexy.  This book is filled with action and suspense.  Although it is clear that there is a definite attraction between the two it is unclear as to how they will manage to be together and give into that attraction.  I really enjoy Anne Stewarts style of writing.  I can live in the life's of these characters and not want to leave.  And that for me means I love the book.  Peter battles within himself about this insane notion that he cares about what happens to Genevieve.  But he does and now he must act on those feelings in spite of the mission or his own logic.  Genevieve is a fighter and tough just the type of woman who can handle being around a group of people like those in the committee.
I really did like this book.
Fang Rating; V V V V V

Angels 4 Rapture

I always enjoy reading JR Ward.  The book was a Little bit of a curve ball.  For the first time we see one of the lost souls get a second chance at redemption.  Mathias comes back from the fiery pits of Devina's hellish wall.  When he comes back he has no memory of his past life,  however he does feel this overwhelming sensation that he wants to set things right somehow.  Adrian is having a hard time with the loss of Eddie and Jim hates the position of savior.  Jim is hung up on Sissy a sacrifice of Devina trapped in hell.  I enjoyed seeing the identity of the Maker and getting a glimpse of the inner battles each character faces including our fallen angels.  But the most disturbing part of the book is Ad's selflessness act, he now bears the scars of what it means to put others first no matter the cost to you.  I really do hope he can return to normal it just isn't the same if Ad is not a Bigger than Bad, Hotter that Hot, Bad Ass with piercings and all .  There's just something extremely attractive about the notion that someone that looks so dangerous and gorgeously appealing is actually on of God's Angels our Warrior.  So come on JR lets set this right!  Looking forward to the next one.
Fang Rating: V V V V

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Finished Rapture Angels 4!

Well, I am soo happy to finally finish this long ass book! I was soo excited at first, thinking of Issac Rothe, one of my fav characters from the Angels who was in book 3, which I really liked but was a little disappointed with this one. This is probably my least favorite book of the whole series although some pretty cool things happened in it. To sum up, spoiler alert beware, J.R. Ward finally confirmed Dog is the Maker, which I have been suspecting and a conclusion with the whole Sissy issue is coming to a head. This book had a great ending, it definitely set me up for the next book. I want to see what is up with that house they moved into, poor Ad with his new condition (downward dog) and Jim made a deal with Devina to get Sissy back. Tons of good stuff coming, it just seemed like it took FOREVER to get there. I loved the story, liked the romance, love Jim and Ad and Devina who I feel closer too because of the last three books but all the fighting and some details that literally put me to sleep could have been left out. Not my fav but still love J.R. Ward for a good twisty ending and some surprises along the way. Onward Upward!

Fang Rating VVV
- Mon

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Finished Ice Storm

Madame Isobel Lambert aka the Ice Queen has quite the love hate relationship with her man, Killian, Serfin, and all the other names he has. There relationship was built on lies since she was a teenager and this book has great flashbacks during to that time which gave a perfect backdrop to the love history between Isobel and Killian but also lets the reader into why Isabol is the way she is. This book was another great one, I didn't enjoy it as much as Taka but nevertheless it was a great read and I really really liked it. I loved how, once again, the book added in all the other characters from the past books even more so than any of the other stories. Bastien and his kids, Peter wife's getting prego, Taka and Summer in Tokoyo, and nasty old Sir Harry who met his final days at the end of the book. I really liked Madame Lambert's character which for me is a deciding factor on most cases as to how much  I like the book and I loved Killian too. My fav line, " I would have killed him for your princess"! I loved how he called her princess and I loved how this book stood out as different from all the rest although equally entertaining. In the end, Madame Lambert did not disappoint! Moving on to Reno, hoping I can get past the hair!

Fang Rating VVVV

- Mon

Finished Blue Ice

Take me Taka take me!!! What a great book! Bastien is my number one but this is definitely my second favorite! This story is about Taka and Summer. Summer comes from a rich Hollywood family and is a plain but gorgeous art curator? Well, she got her degrees in art history and holds the key to the famous Urn which her Japanese godmother left her. Little does she know that a powerful man from a cult is after the Urn to complete his plan of Armageddon which is were the Committee comes in to save the day...aka operative Taka who takes what he wants without asking!!! Taka is a great character and I liked Summer to, not a winy as Genvieve and their adventure is a good one, with twists and turns at every bend. Taka is beyond sexy and I love all of the Japanese culture, etc that is in this book. One I could truly get lost in. I also love how Anne Stuart, the author, brings in past characters and gives us updates on their were abouts and includes them in the current story. This book definitely leads up to Madame Lambert's story which is up next! Love these books, love Anne Stuart's writing!!

Fang Rating VVVVV

- Mon

Friday, February 15, 2013

Finished Cold As Ice

This is the second book in Anne Stuart's Ice series and it was another fast read! This story was about Peter Jensen, the man who helped save Bastien and came to tell him that Chloe was still in trouble in the first book. Well now, it is Peter aka Madsen?'s time to fall in love and rescue the girl. Jensen's love interest is as he sometimes calls her, "Genny" Spenser, the mouthy New York lawyer. I liked her but I must admit I like Chloe more. Genny gets in the way of one of Peter's kills and ends up being kidnapped by him and once again he cannot kill her but falls in love with her. This was a great book. I really enjoyed it, Peter was a bit funny in his sarcastic way but there was no profession of love at the end of this book which I think is why I liked it a little less. However, saying that, it did leave the ending more up to your imagination...we don't know who Genvieve got to Peter's London home, last she was told by him he didn't want to see her so something major must have happened to convince her to go make a home for herself in HIS home! All is well that ends well, Madame Lambert told him to his home needed a woman's touch and that is exactly what he got. An added bonus to this book is that we get an update on Chloe and Bastien and get to meet our apparently, very sexy, next runner up Takashi O'Brien! The more exotic the happier I am! On to see what number 3 has in store!

- Mon
Fang Rating VVVV

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Finished Black Ice!!

You know Carol and I really like a book when we finish it in less than a week! This was great book! This is book is about Bastien and Chole's love story which totally took me away! It had everything, sex, violence, action, drama, a little bit of mystery. It had it all and not too much, just enough to make it tasteful and the reader coming back for more. This book had me intrigued from the beginning, I had no idea where it was going or how it was going to end! I loved the characters and I also really enjoyed the author's writing style. I wish I knew to pay attention to the other character's more as the "Committee" is introduced which is an organization that all of her following books lead off from. Great book, great ending, great name! "My name is Sebastian". He is up there with one of my fav leading guys. Already halfway through the next book and can't get enough. Go Anne Staurt! So glad we found ya!

Fang Rating VVVVV

Friday, February 8, 2013

I Simply Loved Black Ice!!!!

I could not put down the book it was Amazing!!!  Waring it does not have fangs but it does have the danger aspect we love.  Bastian might as well be  a Vampire because he is sexy, dangerous, dark, mysterious, and great at making a girl forget she is in danger.  How could someone so dangerous also be the Sexy Hero.  Well it happens this book is a definite must read.  I also loved the character of Chloe she is wholesome and innocent yet daring enough to give into this intimidating passionate sexual attraction with a dangerous mysterious man.   Having to choose between the lesser of two evils is not so bad if one of your choices happens to be Bastian.  Chloe finds herself wanting to return to her nightmare.  Anne Stuart does a great job of giving you enough information so that you know what is happening yet leaving something for the imagination.  It totally captivated me I was transposed to Paris for 4 days.. Yes that is how long it took me to read it.  I am having a little trouble moving on as Bastain has become dear to my heart, great character. Ummmmmmmmmm!

Fang Rating  VVVVV

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Finished Vampire Desire

Well this Noctural Bite bites! So much so that I will skip the others we have listed and move on! This short story was about a woman vampire and a "cancellor" which is a half breed vampire and human, and how they fall in love. I know it was a short story but it was too quick for me and the story was predictable. The love scene was okay but if I am not connected to the characters then there is not much I will enjoy. I will keep the others on the list in my back pocket for being stuck in the walmart line but I am ready for a more gripping indepth book right now. So off to Ice!

Fang Rating V

Monday, February 4, 2013

Finished Shadow of Night

Kinda a weird title huh? This was the much anticipated second book in the Discovery of Witches series. This book continued on the extremely creative adventure of time spinning that vampire, Matthew de Clermont and witch Diana Bishop set out on. Thank God, I had this book since the first one cut off so abruptly. I think I liked the first book better just because everything was more new and exciting! This book however was very exciting it just dragged on a bit and I got lost with too many characters. This was a very interesting book, I would definitely recommend it as it was recommended to me. I loved the spells in this book and ALL witchy and goddess aspects! The love scene were okay but were missing something....When I heard about this new series I was hoping, like always for another Twilight or Sookie and although this book was incredibly creative, romantic and femine feminine power! Rock On! however I could put it down. It took me a long time to finish...but one thing that kept me going was I have to like the characters and I did love Diana and Matthew. Although a bit scattered, this book a series is a must read due to the sheer creativity and twisting plot alone! I must admit however long it dragged on I did get a little teary when everyone was reunited at the end. How do people come up with this stuff? Regardless, I will always be there to read it! We will be on the look out for the third and final book to the series as there is still so many loose ends to tie up. (SPOILER ALERT) Did the book really finish without Diana finding out Em has passed?? The twins and Diana's father was a great touch!

Fang Rating VVVV

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Vampires Desire!

This book is short and straight forward.  I realize why they call it Nocturnal Bites.  There just short stories in which the main characters are Vampires!  The book was a quick read and would have like to have had more but oh well such is life.  Fun read off to the next Nocturnal Bite...with fangs hope fully.

Fang Rating V V V V

Finished A Discovery of Witches & Shadow of Night

A Discovery of Witches and The Shadow of  Night were both good. It is a captivating story about the forbidden love between a Witch and a Vampire.  Diana and Mathew are made for one another and fate has brought them together. However it does not come without its set of obstacles.  Diana had denied herself to be the person she was meant to be a True Witch. Mathew had not allowed himself to fall deeply in love for hundreds of years.  Now that the are together they must fight to stay together and with each other.  I  really enjoyed the premises of the story line and thought it very educational as well.  Mathew and Diana are scholars and there relationship revolves around there work.  The more I understood what there work was about then the more I understood there relationship.  It was interesting to see how the past had molded itself into the future even if Diana had not been born yet.  I suppose that is the idea of having a soul mate.  The book ended in quite the cliff hanger. Luckily after reading book 1 I had book 2 to start reading immediately.  But now I have to wait for book 3 which is not out yet.  Please Hurry!!!

Fang Rating VVVV

Monday, January 7, 2013

Finished Discovery of Witches!

What a nice breath of fresh air this book was! A lead vampire man, plus real witches and even time travel!! This was a fabulously creative book! So glad to finally know what all the fuss was about! This book really had me going in the beginning, I just could not put it down and was so excitied to get into Diana's head and the beginning of the romance between Diana and Matthew had me coming back for more but soon as the mystery started to unfold and the romance seemed to die down, it was easier for me to put it down. I feel like I have to make sure I got all the information, all the parts of puzzle that is still unfolding that I don't want to miss! I love the mystery, I love the characters, especially Diana's aunts and her house! I would highly recommend this book. It has a little bit of everything for everyone! As I mentioned in a previous post, as I always compare what I read to Twilight and Sookie, I wish the author gave a little more description as to what the main characters looked like physicially! Edward was so real to me because I had such a clear picture in my mind's eye of what he looked like and although I feel like I know Matthew, this was lacking for me with Matthew and Diana as well:( Almost like a tease since I really liked them. Well onto Shadow of the Night to see what awaits our love birds in 1590!!

Fang Rating VVVVV

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Who are Diana and Matthew?

Yes! The Discovery of Witches is a great book! Yes, we get it! Thank you! HOWEVER, being a reader of sound mind and a lover of descriptions I wish the author was better at discribing what Matthew and Diana actually look like....For me that is definetly what is missing from this book. I fell in love with Edward Cullen and Big E aka Eric Northman because I had a very clear picture in my head of what they looked like, at this point, even a fuzzy one would do! It is a great love story but I must know who my lovers are and besides a brief description in the beginning of the book of what Matthew and Diana look like, we are left to our imagination. So, here is what I think Diana and Matthew more or less look like. Like always, take what you like and leave the rest!